Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 27, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Today we are being called to let go of something that has been holding us back, with the promise of wonderful transformation as a result of letting this thing go.
The judgment card speaks to us of a time after death, when some believe we are judged by God. Others believe we judge our own selves and actions in the past life. Either way you look at it, it’s a time of analyzing experiences and actions from the previous life. That is usually the first impression for me as I look at this card. But today it’s a little different.
The first thing that attracted my attention was the trumpet. When I see this trumpet and that the angel depicted is shown as using it in these scene, I’m drawn to the idea of a trumpet call. For me, a trumpet call is a call to action. It’s Reveille to wake up to in boot camp in the morning. Trumpets used to signal time to attack in military actions of the past. Trumpet calls were used to draw the kings audience to attention when he entered the room, at least they were in the movies, I don’t know if that was the reality or not. All of these trumpet calls have something in common. They each call the hearer to react to it in a very specific way. So the first thing that I perceive as I read this card is that we are being called.
The next thing I noticed in the card were all of the wonderful butterflies. Now to me, butterflies are the ultimate symbol of transformation. Those delightful creatures start out not as something beautiful or free floating, in possession of their own liberty. They start out as the humble hairy little caterpillar, crawling along on the ground, breathing dust, without much of a view. After their metamorphosis, they are the beautiful, free-flying creatures who have a much better view than the caterpillar that most of us find great delight in. What a transformation, to be sure!
So, we are being called to transform, and Spirit is even using the energy on this card to tell us how to do that as well!
Do you see all the poppies on the bottom of the card? Poppies are a symbol of death. When we “die”, we let go of our bodies. And in this case, letting go is what the poppies are pointing us towards. There are things that each of us do that we already know better than to be doing. Maybe we eat foods we know we shouldn’t, maybe we begin relationships with hot girls (or for some of us, great guys) we know we shouldn’t. Maybe we continue in friendships, faking that everything is fine when really it’s not fine at all. Maybe we have old stuff that we don’t want to let go of. Why do we hold on to these old things, old patterns, old relationships? They no longer work for us. What are we doing to ourselves by our behavior? We are holding ourselves back. If we would just let go of these old things, we could hold on to something new and better. Something more appropriate for the now in our lives.

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