Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 20, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Hermit - IX - Reversed
We had this card in the upright position two or three days ago, and as can often happen with a reversed card, or even the same card in a different spread or on a different day, it has a meaning completely different than the last time we saw it. The last time we had this card the message was all about the hermits journey and how it relates to us.
Today when I look at this card the first thing that draws my eye isn’t the hermit at all, but instead the stone circle that is a part of the formation of his precarious perch. The next thing that catches my eye are the spirals that seem to be in the atmosphere around that stone ring. They remind me very much of the Golden Mean Ratio, which I read in one place on the web somewhere symbolize the universe as it reaches towards and grows neverendingly more and more into perfect balance. So there is a theme here today in what I see.
The stone ring or circle symbolizes harmony and balance to me. A circle of any kind can keep rolling as long as no one and inertia don’t interfere with it. It’s perfect roundness is totally balanced and also totally infinite. Think of the top of a drinking glass. Think of tracing the top of that glass lightly with your index finger. How long can you keep tracing without being interrupted or blocked by any part of that circle that you are tracing with your finger? You could keep doing that forever. Infinitely if you wanted to, without ever being interrupted by the shape of the circle itself.
So what is our message today? It is a reminder of the infinite struggle to keep things in balance in our lives all the time. To keep things harmonious. All working together well. It seems that just when we are about to get a routine down, something seems to come along and shake us up. Tweek things so that we need to find a new routine to keep the harmony flowing, to keep the balance going. It’s all a part of our growth. It’s like the universe is watching us as we play out our lives somewhat similar to a video game. And when we have just about got one level memorized and could just almost walk through it successfully in our sleep, then the universe just bumps us up to the next level. It keeps us from stagnating and becoming useless.
Today is a day to work on our balance again. To reach as close as we can to perfect harmony again. This is a day that we begin to learn how to have harmony and balance on a whole new level in our lives.

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