Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 31, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Nine of Swords Reversed
Interestingly enough, we have been getting a series of repeat cards for a handful of days lately. Before when this has happened I have not posted a new entry for each day. Now I’m starting to wonder if I have been missing the boat by not doing that. Sometimes I felt like Sacred Spirit was trying to emphasize something for us, and yet I still didn’t blog about it.
This time we have the same card as yesterday again, but I decided to write about it because I have the sense on this card, that what is happening is that as we struggle with our inner turmoils, our breakthrough is a process. I am sensing that what the repeated card is indicating for us is that we are making progress through these things that have had us so torn up. That it is a process. That yesterday we started to see some of the results of it, but that everything wasn’t complete as of yesterday. That we are still making progress, and that we are going to continue to see manifestations of that progress and the breakthrough we are working towards even as we work through this day as well.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January 30, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Nine of Swords Reversed
This card in the upright position speaks of inner turmoil and being held back by fear.  But what we have is the reverse of that. The message Sacred Spirit is sending with this card is that we have been dealing with our own inner turmoils lately, and that now, we are on the edge of being through that. We have expended most of the energy needed to bring resolution to those turmoils and we are standing on the edge of a breakthrough, right now.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 29, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Page of Swords Reversed
This card in the upright position speaks of being protected in a vulnerable situation. The little baby swan being held by the page and surrounded by the protective adult swans. But today this card is reversed so it’s not speaking about exactly the same thing.  Spirit is using this card today to show us that today is a day of being vulnerable, even intentionally vulnerable, maybe sharing out true feelings with someone, or asking someone for help. And besides that it’s a day to allow ourselves to be vulnerable, our attention is also brought to the fact that God, the Universe, Sacred Spirit, whatever you want to call that entity that is greater than all of us and embodied in each of us, is here and protecting us even as we are vulnerable. Just as the swans are still in the picture when the card is reversed. Still being true to their protective character.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 27, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

This card speaks of a hermit, someone who walks their path, either chosen or unchosen, alone. These people are the often underrated pioneers of our society. They are forward thinkers. The hold the light up for those who care to follow in their footsteps. One example of such a “Hermit” is Einstein.
Sacred Spirit is using this card today to call us to the challenge of being the “Hermit”, of taking the pioneering steps in the situations around us so that we can hold the light up for those who care to follow and make the journey for those less arduous. In a difficult situation, we are the ones called to be mature and go the extra mile to be the light.


January 26, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Hanged Man Reversed
In this card in the reversed position, the man looks to be in an unusual position, and seems to have been for some amount of time. It’s not a natural position and suggests discomfort. The creatures around him, and even the ivy seem to be supporting him as he goes through his trial. Even one seems to be kissing or caressing his face in an offer of comfort and encouragement as he looks like he can’t keep going this way much longer.
Today is a day for us of endurance in a situation that is less than ideal and can be very uncomfortable and trying. We are encouraged that the universe around us is looking out for us and helping us in any way it can.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 22, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Ace of Swords

A previously undetected truth is about to manifest itself to us today. A truth previously un-noticed that will shed light on a lot of situations for us and which has life changing implications.

What a happy day for those of us who are habitual seekers of the truth!



Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 20, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)


This is a day to really enjoy the romance and passion in your life. Soak it up, step it up, enjoy it. This is a day of real appreciation for that part of your life.

For those of you without a romantic partner, this is a good day for some new romance to begin, as long as you are open to the idea.

Peace to all,


January 19, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Two of Cups Reversed
The energy of this card speaks to us about balance. This can be balance in our relationships, especially our romantic partnerships, or also balance within ourselves of our own female and male energies. When we come out of balance in that way, it effects everything and everyone around us, including our relationships.
This is a day to be looking at where we could improve our balance. For those of us who are light-workers, many times we find ourselves giving more than is healthy for us to give. Sometimes we need to step back and let those around us discover their own two feet. For others of us, we can tend to let other people do to much for us because it’s easy, and they want to, so why not? In these situations, it’s better for our own health and self-esteem to take back or take on some of those responsibilities that we really can handle if we just exert the energy.
When looking at our own male and female energy, it’s important to know that male energy is that energy which is going and doing and very actively working to get things accomplished. Female energy is more passive energy. The energy of letting Sacred Spirit or the Universe know what we want and need and then waiting to see how that will unfold for us.
It’s important that we are operating in both of those kinds of energies. We need to use the female energy to get our intentions and our wants and needs and purposes out there, into the fabric of the universe, and we need to use our male energy to start pursuing those things as the universe unfolds them for us. It’s a cooperative thing. Just as we are each a part of the universe, and the universe a part of us, we are each a part of the process of reaching our intentions, just as the universe is a part of the process as well.
Peace to all,

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Tarot Card for the Day, January 13, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Four of Pentacles
Today we are being reminded that money, assets, abundance, just like the rest of life flows in a circle. To have money come in, we have to send money out. It flows. Just like the rivers flow into the sea and then the water evaporates and becomes rain and falls back into the rivers again. It’s the same with our money, assets and general abundance. When we share what we have with others, the universe, or Sacred Spirit, or God, whatever word you want to use there, has a way of bringing it back around to us again. Sometimes from the place we put it into, but mostly from other places.
We are being reminded that the universe has our backs. Sometimes we just need to trust and release. If we want money, assets and abundance to continue to flow in it’s normal circle, we have to keep ourselves from blocking up that flow.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Tarot Card for the Day, January 11, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

King of Wands  
Sacred Spirit is using this card today to remind us of what a great light we have within ourselves if we will only just learn to see it and trust it’s authority. We are being encouraged to follow that wonderful intuition that is a part of us, although so many people discount it because it is not a measurable, tangible, thing.
We are being called to pay attention to it, to tune into it when we need ideas, to use it to help us set our priorities. We are being called, beyond all of that, to use our intuition to help us to create the life that we really want for ourselves.
How far will we go in answering this call today?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Tarot Card for the Day, January 10, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Chariot        
The Chariot carries a very positive and affirming message from Spirit to us today.  This card speaks of things we have been working on manifesting coming into reality now. It speaks of dreams becoming things we experience now in a very tangible way. We have staid in our own authority to bring those dreams into reality and today is a joyful day of wonder and celebration as we watch how the universe unfolds those manifestations and brings them into our lives.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Tarot Card for the Day, January 9, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Hermit Reversed             
The message of this card today I feel is being directed specifically to light workers.  We see the hermit reversed. In many cases we as light workers can feel very much like the hermit. The lone person, sometimes it feels as if others don’t really “get” us. If most of our friends are not light-workers as well, then many times we don’t have anyone but Sacred Spirit to talk to about the things we are learning or experiencing. At the same time, we are the ones holding out the lantern for others to see by. We can help people in ways that many times they don’t know how to help themselves.
This card is being used as an indicator today that the tide is turning. We are beginning to see it, but in the next few years and even decade, starting even right now, there are becoming more and more of us. On top of that, more and more people who are tuned into the light are feeling that it is safe to be more open about the arcane that they know. As each one becomes more open, they are holding the door open for another person behind them to be that much more open about the hidden realities as well. It is a snow-ball effect. It has begun, it has picked up some momentum. Enough to keep the level of consciousness growing by noticeable degrees all the time.
Some people have been waiting for this much for all of their lives. But what we are seeing is just the beginning. The shift that is coming is way more powerful than any of us, yes, even any of us light workers can imagine, and it is on the way.
We will no longer be the lonely hermits holding our lantern up for others to see by in the dark. We will be an army of friends who once would have been called hermits, but now are much more in the majority than the minority.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tarot Card for the Day, January 8, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Knight of Pentacles Reversed    
Today Sacred Spirit is urging us to take our dreams and to keep them in front of our consciousness. To begin to think about how they can become reality. To begin to plant the seeds that we have towards these dreams being fulfilled.
Many of us are afraid to keep our own dreams in the front of our consciousness. Many times we don’t feel worthy of being happy, or our dreams seem to big for us to accomplish. This is the time to pitch those outdated ideas and let ourselves dream as big as we would like to and then move towards those dreams.
Peace and joy to all,

Monday, January 6, 2014

Tarot Card for the Day, January 7, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Knight of Swords             
What Sacred Spirit is bringing to my attention through the use of this card today is the idea of riding into battle. And that sometimes the most important battles that we fight are the battles in our own minds.
The battles about what we dream of having vs. what we think we deserve to have. Or the battles with those old voices that tell us that we can not  be loved in the way that we want to be, and the idea that there is real love all around us.
I see in this card a sense of playfulness in these battles. Some of the birds depicted here seem to me to be joyfully goofing around with each other. Some seem to be joyfully exploring what they can make their bodies do as they fly along with their comrades.
Birds have a lot of knowledge. They don’t stay in the same place to live all the time. They have information about many places. They see the world from many perspectives. They see the world from one perspective as they float along on the ponds and lakes they know. They see the world from another perspective as they glide above it all,  on their journeys.
We can learn from these birds to have fun even in the midst of our battles. To see what we can get our physical world to manifest for us. To play and experiment along the way. Play with ideas of what it would look like if we were with the love of our lives, if we had our dream job, or company. Play with ideas about who we would like to help along the way and how we would like to do that. It’s all part of those inner battles. The battles don’t have to be rigorous. They can be fun. The more fun they are, the better we will do in them actually.
The other thing we can learn from these birds is that real knowledge comes from a variety of perspectives. We need to open up our minds and see things from more than just one point of view if we want to handle any situation with wisdom and grace.
Wishing you all a wonderful day!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Tarot Card for the Day, January 6, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Moon Reversed      
This card is being used to show us today that there are some things that have been lurking around in our subconscious awareness, just waiting for the time to come into our conscious awareness and be dealt with in whatever way is appropriate. These things are starting to come to the surface now, but we have been avoiding them. Now it’s time to take those things and examine them well, decide if they are good for us or not, and then either incorporate them into our lives more fully, or release them, whichever one happens to be more appropriate after examination.  
Peace to you all,

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Tarot Card for the Day, January 2, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Five of Cups

Sacred Spirit is using this card today to remind us that it is easy to wallow in our own sorrow or regret. And sometimes that can be a very tempting option for us. But who does it serve? What does it accomplish or gain for us or for those around us?

Today we are being called to overcome the temptation to wallow in regrets or loss. We are the creator of our own universe with our own thoughts and feelings. It’s time for us to own that, and to use this information to create something more beautiful, productive, and glorious than what we had before.



Tarot Card for the Day, January 1, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Knight of Wands Reversed

Such an appropriate card for a day when so many people are making resolutions about things they want to do or not do differently than they were!

Spirit is using this card to show us that today is a day when we will be identifying significant changes coming up in ourselves and in our lives. Today is a day to become fully prepared for those so that we may enjoy their full impact on the rest of our lives. These changes are VERY positive for us and will bring about a new perspective on everything around us.

Happy new year to all!

