Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 1, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Ace of Cups
The Ace of Cups indicates the beginning of a new relationship or relationships. It is that first whispering of affection, attraction, protectiveness, appreciation. Such beginnings set in motion a ripple effect that can last a lifetime.
Just when everything is going smooth, and we have our routines down and we are feeling pretty comfortable in our balance, then there is that one drop of some kind of emotion that turns out to be the beginning of a whole new relationship and then we have to relearn our balance all over again as we make room for that person in our lives. It can be very disorienting, but so worth the effort.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, October 31, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Two of Cups
Sacred Spirit is using this card today to make us aware of our attractions, appreciation for certain things or people in our lives. For those of us that are single, it’s a card that calls us to awareness about the things that we appreciate about ourselves.
I usually say more than this about the card we have. But this one is just hitting me as very straight forward today. As in, no more explanation needed.



Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, October 30, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Five of Wands Reversed
This card upright shows a pack of foxes chasing a rabbit, some of them with some very playful body language as they move in on the lonely little guy. It seems to be a game to them more than anything else. And the figure making his way through the tussle is very single-minded, undistracted by the melee around him, and determined to make it do his destination no matter what may be in his path on the way.
But, as is so often the case for us at this blog, the card is reversed today. So what is the meaning that Spirit is using the energy of this reversed card to bring through for us?
As I am looking at the man turned on his head by this positioning of the card, what is coming to me is that it’s time to do the opposite of the figure there. Instead of plowing through life, letting nothing distract us no way and no how, Spirit is encouraging us to take the time to stop and have some fun as we travel on our journey here.
It’s good to be determined and focused on our goals. But it’s also good to enjoy this wonderful life we have been given to use and to treasure along the way. This is a good day to share some appreciation for the good things around us with others we come into contact with.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, October 29, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Five of Swords
Sacred Spirit is using the energy of this card today to bring to the surface of our consciousness our own battles within ourselves.
We all have parts of us that are light, that we are happy to share with everyone around us, and we also have parts of us that we consider dark, that we aren’t so eager to share, that we aren’t so proud of.
In this card the figure here has been battling with his own darkness. As he did so, even his sleeves and trousers and boots became blackened in the battle. His companion protectors, the swans, who would normally be white, did as well.
It’s not easy to do battle with our own darkness. It’s very messy and dirty work. It can be hard to face that there are things about us that aren’t acceptable to our own belief system. This is a day to become aware of the inner turmoil we go through because of our own dark aspects.
When we want to change something, the first step in the process is to acknowledge that that something actually exists. It’s the same with our dark aspects. To begin the process of turning those dark places inside ourselves to light, we first have to look at them and say to ourselves: “I see you there. I know you are not of the light. And I accept that this is the way I am right now, and that there is a reason that I am this way."
The next step is to figure out why we are the way we are in that area, and begin to really pull that reasoning which founded the dark aspect of us apart. Ask some questions. Did the reasoning make sense at one time? Does it still make sense now? Does this dark aspect still serve us well now, if it ever did? Why or why not?
What ends up happening is one of two things: We either make peace with this dark part of ourselves, or we decide that we are making modifications within ourselves so that we can transform that dark part of us into a light part. Either way, once we do the work it takes to understand that dark part of us, we are much happier than we were before we put out that effort.



Sunday, October 27, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, October 28, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Ace of Wands Reversed
The aces bring up new beginnings in the upright position, and wands are fiery, passion, spirit and energy related. In the upright position this card would be talking to us about a new inspiration and possibilities of letting that grow in our lives.
Reversed, Sacred Spirit is using the energy in this card to point out that today we are feeling less than inspired. We are doing the same old same old all over again. (Seems kind of perfect for a Monday card actually.) The passion and energy for what is around us is starting to slide away from us today. That’s why it’s very important that we be consciously on the look-out for the inspiration that is around us. This is a day be very actively appraising the good that we are doing and appreciating it as if it was new to us again. To look at it with fresh eyes so we can keep our energy up as we go on. To also see with fresh eyes the good that is around us, in our environment and in the people we interact with. To let those things inspire us as well.
The really great thing about cards like this, is that having the heads up that this might be a rougher day to make it through, helps us to be prepared for the struggles so that the impact is minimized or eliminated for us. We get to come into the day with a plan of action to follow. How great is that?
Life is good.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, October 27, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Five of Pentacles Reversed
This card, upright depicts a woman who has tuned out the environment around her, and is turned only inward. She is unhappy, depressed, at a loss for what to do next. It’s a very hard time for her, although it’s self-induced. The number five speaks of multiple opportunities and choices available to us. It refers to a pivotal place in our lives where we have a base amount of information in a certain area, and now it’s time to choose what we want to do with that information. How we want to make use of it in our lives.
In this picture upright, the woman is missing all the opportunity, beauty and life around her because she refuses to raise her head. The is obsessing over herself. Maybe she doesn’t feel like she is good enough to move forward. Maybe she doesn’t realize her own value or potential. She is obsessing on what she still doesn’t know, or all of her faults, and her mistakes in the past. This is what happens when we look only at ourselves and block out the world around us.
But, we don’t have this card right side up today, we have it reversed. So what does that mean for us? Spirit is using this as a reminder for us to be vigillant, to take care of ourselves, but not to only let our eyes fall on ourselves as we do so. A huge part of taking care of us is in experiencing and appreciating the good things that are around us. Reaching out to others and accepting when they reach out to us. This is a day to take our focus off of ourselves, and look around and see the beauty, life and opportunities around us. Opportunities to improve our situations. Opportunities to help others. Opportunities to learn. They are all out there. Every one of them, just waiting for us to notice.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, October 26, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

The Emperor –IV Reversed
Four is about rules and regulations, laws, standards and protocols. The Emperor is the creator and the one who holds up or strikes down rules and regulations, laws, standards and protocols. The emperor has lots of responsibility to his people and those regulations, etc. help him to live up to that responsibility. With them, everyone under the emperor knows what to expect. They know what consequences will be for particular actions. This keeps his dominion running more smoothly. It keeps chaos from taking over.
The energy of this card in the reversed position is being used by sacred Spirit today to remind us that just because a rule or regulation, law, standard or protocol has been in place for a long time, does not mean that it is effective for us now. This is a day of turning things upside down and shaking them to see what falls out. What is not solidly locked into the fabric of our lives. What no longer serves a purpose for us. This is a day when we question some of the things we have always believed. It’s a sort of a shake up for us, if you will. And we can use it for our own good if we are open to that idea. We can use this time of evaluation to face the truth about those old beliefs and let them go if they need to go. This time of evaluation will also give us the chance to appreciate and understand in a deeper way, why we need those old beliefs that still serve us well and help us to reprioritize.
As long as you don’t stop moving forward, you won’t be moving backward.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, October 25, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Eight of Wands
This is such a wonderful card. The number eight in numerology refers to things in the material world that are coming into fruition or manifesting. Wands speak of things that are spiritual or that we are passionate about. It’s a nice blending of the elements because of course, it fits quite well with the idea represented with the saying “as above, so below”, meaning that as things are in the spirit realm, so they are in the physical realm.
Today the energy of this card is being used by Spirit to call us to look at what our dreams are, and then to make them known to the universe. In the story of this card, the woman is releasing her wishes into the universe and blowing the flower parts is giving them a vehicle on which to travel far. Today it is time to consider what our wishes are. It’s time to quit letting fear stop us from thinking that those wishes could be reality. It’s time to let the universe know about those wishes and send them out spiritually into the great and wonderful universe that we live in, so that they can manifest back to us fruitful.
How do we do this? Maybe we write our wishes down on paper so we can see them. Maybe we visualize ourselves making a wish as we hold a puffy dandelion, and then blowing that wish onto the dandelion fluff and watching them be carried away into the universe. However you do it, after you have sent your wishes out to the universe, then just sit back and let the universe do it’s work while you focus on other things. Trust.

Tarot Card for the Day, October 24, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Two of Pentacles
This is a great card. It is all about balance. And there is a lot going on in this card. The man featured here must be careful not to kick the monkey, must be careful not to lean to far one way or the other and cause the pedestal he is standing on to fall right off the peak it is mounted on. Not to mention the obvious with his juggling of the coins and reacting to the wind caused by the zephyrs playing with the coins as he juggles them. It seems like an overwhelming task. Like there is too much going on to keep up with it all. But the performer here is confident. This is what he does, he’s good at it, and he knows it.
Sacred Spirit is using the energy of this card today to tell us that this is a good day to be as flexible as possible. To adapt to changing situations and go ahead and be in the flow of life. This is not a day to let your confidence wane. You are good at life. You have been living long enough to learn how to read if you are here. You are the expert here. Just be open adaptable and flexible as you keep everything in your world moving forward. You may be happily surprised with where the flow of life takes you.



Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, October 23, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Two of Swords Reversed
In the upright position this card speaks to us of being locked up inside ourselves. To do this is a choice that we have made. This person is wearing a dark cloak symbolizing that he or she feels that they themselves or some aspect of themselves is dark and needs to be covered and kept away from others. His stance is completely defensive. Crossed swords to bar anyone from getting to near him. And for what? What is he blocking out?
Swans are known to be very protective. Both of these swans are trying to help this person see that there is much more out in the great big world than just what this person is seeing inside him/herself. The one offers a poppy, symbolizing the inner death of a person when all they can see is what’s inside themselves. The second one is trying to draw his or her attention to the heart hanging from the tree, wanting the person to become aware of things outside him or herself. Calling that person to let his or her heart come back to life again. The hummingbird is a symbol of happiness. So there is happiness and love and awakening all being offered to this person. But he or she can’t see beyond his or her own cloak. Can’t see it, can’t accept it. Still intently focused only on what is within and not letting anyone close enough to see or touch it.
Now, what is Sacred Spirit telling us through the energy of this card for today? This card reversed is being used to tell us that it’s time to let that cloak fall away. It’s time to let other people see us for who we are. It’s time to let the swords drop as well. It’s time to take the poppy that the swan offers into our hands instead and consider the message there. It’s time to open our heart to those around us. It’s time to see the hummingbird once the cloak has fallen away and we no longer have our blinders on. It’s time to look at our happiness as well as our darkness and acknowledge them both. They are equal, and they each help us to notice and feel the other.



Monday, October 21, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, October 22, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

King of Swords Reversed
This card has so much depth to it. I could put three or four paragraphs into everything symbolized in this card. I’m not going to do that though because there is only one message being transmitted by this cards energy to me for us tomorrow.
When you are looking at the picture on this card, looking at what would normally be the top but is the bottom of the card for us today, you can see faintly some birds coming through the shadows. Blackbirds. One of the things that blackbirds are associated with are the secret things of this world and intuition. Those things that our spirits know whether we have allowed them to come to consciousness yet or not. In a word, intuition.
The message that Sacred Spirit is bringing through for us today is to follow our intuition. Some people call it gut instinct. Many times intuition comes to us in very subtle ways, just as the birds in the bottom of the card for today show up in the artwork there in subtle way. Those birds don’t grab your attention. In fact, you might have to look for them. For most of us, our intuition doesn’t grab our attention either. In fact, if we aren’t used to tuning in to it, we might have to sort of dig around for it a little bit. We might have to make an effort to be quiet and focus on what that still small voice is saying to us.
This is a day to do that. The wisdom that comes from that still small voice may change your life. Especially if you don’t just pay attention to it today, but if you make a habit of it at least once every day.



Sunday, October 20, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, October 21, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

The Fool Reversed
This is one of my favorite cards. In the upright position it shows a woman on a precipice on the edge of stepping off into the void. She has faith that the universe will meet her when she does. In this card, even the doves are preparing for her to jump. Wrapping her in ribbons they can hold in their beaks to help her fly, or, at the very least, not to fall so hard. This card is generally called the “fool”, but I think of it as the “leap of faith card”. Upright, this card indicates to me a person who is following his or her gut/intuituion. The whole world thinks they are crazy or brave, most are not sure which. But the person knows that they know that they know that even with what they don’t know, they will still end up ok.
But we didn’t get this card upright. Today we got this card from Spirit in the reversed position. So, what does that mean? Here is the thing about reversed cards. They always have some twist on the meaning to what an upright card would say. It’s always on the reader to figure out what the twist is. I have heard some people say that you don’t have to be psychic to read the cards. I disagree. I think everyone is psychic of course, whether they know it or not. But I also disagree in the idea that you don’t have to be skilled in that ability to read the cards. When a reversed card comes up, to find the twist on the meaning that applies in each individual instance, if you aren’t aware of and listening to your psychic information, you just totally don’t have a clue. (Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, the same applies for upright cards as well. Each of them can have several different meanings. You have to be tuned in to know which one applies each time a card comes up.)
Totally sidetracked there. On with the interpretation. For this instance, this card being used by Sacred Spirit to make us aware of situations that we are each being called to that look like total leaps of faith. But are they really? This card is asking us to consider in a conscious way, what we are being called to and why it looks like such a leap of faith to us from where we are right now. The energy of this card is telling us to look closer, to think about it more. What I am getting from this card is that many of the situations that we are being called to, that we think of as leaps of faith, just need to be looked at from a different perspective. We need to start asking questions like, “What if I did this? Would that impact this idea in a way that would make it more stable for me to pursue it?” or “What can I do to make this possibility more doable in my life?” Sometimes, instead of a leap of faith, what we really need is just a whole lot of elbow grease, the help of a few friends, and some know how.
Bottom line is, we are being asked to stop being negative about our hopes and dreams, to stop pushing them back to that forgotten shelf in a closet in our minds, and start coming up with some ideas about how we can make them happen.
Are you up for it?



Saturday, October 19, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, October 20, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Knight of Cups Reversed
Spirit uses the energy of this card when it’s in the upright position to remind us of the pure in heart. Who else could ride a unicorn on the water but the pure in heart? In the upright position our knight is beginning a grand adventure. Seeking to follow his heart and let it lead him wherever it will lead him, knowing that that is the way to get to enjoy the real treasures available to him in this existence.
With this card in the reversed position, Sacred Spirit is making us aware that we are struggling when it comes to following our hearts. Some of us are not sure we deserve to feel good or be happy. Some of us don’t think God or the Universe has it in the plans for them. There are a million and one reasons for not following our hearts, for not following our happiness, for not following what makes us feel fulfilled. Most of those reasons have to do with our own fears.
Today it’s time to take inventory of what we do with the desires of our own hearts. Do we find ways to follow them? Do we normally suppress them? Do we go after them with the throttle wide open for a little while and then give up because things don’t happen fast enough for us? Today Spirit is calling us to recognize those desires and to take action on them. That will be the beginning of a wonderful and joyous new adventure for us, if we do.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, October 19, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

The Lovers Reversed
This card upright refers to balance, yin and yang, male and female energy, a coming together of those two energies, sometimes a romantic coming together, sometimes not such a romantic coming together of two energies.
Today I feel like we are getting a double message from the reversed version of this card. The first message has to do with relationships we are in. And may I remind you that not all of the relationships we have are with people. Some can be with work, some with food, some can be with electronic games, porn, pills, etc., etc.
For a lot of us, most of our relationships are basically pretty healthy. Pretty well-balanced. We are able to keep them in their appropriate priority in our lives. But pretty much all of us have relationships that we haven’t kept so well in balance, or that we have treated is if they were more important or less important than they really are to us in the grand scheme of things.
One of the messages for today is for us to be aware of our relationships with people and with things and if we are prioritizing them in a way that makes sense for us. Also to be aware if we are handling those relationships in a balanced way. Are we obsessed about someone or something? If so, where is that coming from? What can we do to help ourselves bring that back into proper balance again?
(Each of us can only change ourselves, not anyone else, so it is fruitless to ask ourselves, “what can someone else do to make me better?” If we are very honest, the answer, unless we are still helpless children who cannot support ourselves yet, is “Nothing.” We have to do our own work. We have to improve ourselves. Only we know what we like and don’t like about ourselves. Only we know what is in balance and out of balance in our lives. It’s all on us to make things better or worse.)
The second message I am feeling from this card goes a lot deeper. This is a message about the conflicts within ourselves. When this card appears upright, we can infer that the balance of whatever the situation is that me be at hand is in pretty good shape. But reversed, not so much. Reversed, Sacred Spirit uses this card to bring to our attention the fact that we have some conflict within ourselves that we have never totally resolved up to this point. For example, maybe you are a single parent, and you don’t like to leave your child or children with someone else to raise while you are out earning money to feed and clothe and take care of that little person/s. But you still go to work because you feel trapped into it. Like you have to go to work otherwise what will happen to you and your little ones? That’s an inner conflict.
Maybe you are in a social situation where you feel that you have to be nice to someone who you have no respect for at all and you would be perfectly happy if you never saw them again. That’s an inner conflict.
Maybe you have been raised that it is impermissible to have sex outside of marriage, but now your dear child is going to give you a precious grand-baby before he or she and the mother or father are married. You are having mixed emotions about the situation that you are having a hard time figuring out. That’s an inner conflict.
I could give you tons more examples of what I’m talking about when I use the phrase inner conflict, but I know that if you meditate about it, the one that Sacred Spirit is calling you to deal with will come up to your conscious mind pretty quickly.
Sacred Spirit is asking us to be aware of these inner conflicts. To look them over really well. To pick them apart until we know every little bit about why they exist for us. Until we know every little bit about how much of why they exist are reasonable and sane reasons, and how much is fear-driven. Being aware is the first step to settling these inner conflicts. Many times as we examine them in the light of day, holding fear at bay as we do so, the conflict within us disappears right then. Sometimes we have to work on things a little bit longer. Either way, being aware of these is the first step towards healing them, so that we can live in balance with our own selves. Isn’t that really one of the most important things in life? To be in balance, or in harmony with our own self? Because let’s face it, even if EVERYTHING else in life is going super smoothly for us, but we don’t like what we do, or how we talk, or can’t decide how we feel about things, then aren’t we miserable in spite of all the good around us?
For me, this is pointing out to me how I feel about my relationship with my mother. There are things that happened a very long time ago, that I still resent her for. Yet I like to think of myself as a laid back and forgiving person. And, mostly, I am. I know that I have to do some work on myself to get me into that place where I can accept her just the way she is, a place where I can have compassion on her for the things that happened in the past.
Each of you will have your own thing that causes a conflict inside of you. I wish you great progress as you examine that thing and look for solutions for yourselves for that conflict, as you work towards being in harmony with your very self.
( To find out about my readings, or how to schedule a reading with me, check me out at this web-site: )

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, October 18, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

The Ten of Pentacles
Finally an upright card! I was starting to wonder if we would ever get one. :)
This card showing the woman riding the dragon through the sky very comfortably speaks to us of a lot of things. The bottom line on the message for us today though is about having an attitude of gratefulness as we go through the day.
We can tell from the womans silk attire and gold adornments that she is well off financially. She is trusted by and trusts the dragon, who symbolizes the mysteries of life. The dragon keeps a protective eye on her even as they fly through the sky. It is easy to imagine that he shares his secrets with her so that she can make use of them. And from the position of her hand touching him, it is easy to imagine her affection for him and his care of her.
She is holding a peach which is known in some cultures to be an auspicious symbol. There is a castle in the background symbolizing that she has made some great accomplishments so far in her lifetime. It’s a really beautiful card. It implies that she is in tune with the universe and nature and she and they are a team. It has taken a lot of work to accomplish what she has so far. And she has learned many of the lessons of the mysteries of life along the way, making her always better capable of navigating through life.
Spirit is using the energy of this card for us today to highlight that there are so many things to be grateful about in our lives. To ask us to look around ourselves and take stock of the positive things we have in them. To “count the blessings” so to speak. Especially I feel the energy of this card being used to ask us to look back at where we have come from. To see how far we have come from there. To look at what we have accomplished so far as we work with Sacred Spirit, or the Universe, or God, or whatever name you give to that Supreme Being that has always been and will always be. What struggles have we faced and overcome? What goals have we set out towards and how close are we to reaching them? How many have we reached so far and then set new goals to go to from there? How much have we grown on our journey? What lessons have we learned along the way?
And for those of us that have suffered recent set-backs, this card still is a call for a change in perspective to that of gratitude. What are we lucky to still have in our lives? What are we lucky that we still have to work with? Or to lean on? Or to inspire us to carry on?
All we have to do is open our eyes and look around to see plenty to be grateful for. And as we are grateful, we draw more and more to us to make us grateful again, and in new ways. It’s a never-ending cycle if we keep focusing on our gratitude.
I began this blog, thinking that it would be a little bit of fun fortune telling every day. What I’m finding instead, is that Sacred Spirit has other ideas for it. Sacred Coaching I guess I’m starting to think of it as. God giving us tips on how to have a better life.
It would be fun to hear in the comments section how following some of this Sacred Coaching has worked out for some of the readers here.
( To find out about my readings, or how to schedule a reading with me, check me out at this web-site: )

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, October 17, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

The Three of Cups Reversed
Sacred Spirit is really hammering us with the idea of opening up more with first yesterdays card and then again todays card as well!
A lot of readers would see this card with a negative meaning. I don’t read the same way that a lot of other readers do. I know the basic meanings for most of the cards and what the traditional read would be. But I read intuitively and I let my intuition have as much freedom as it wants when it comes to interpreting a card. That means sometimes I see the cards as having a more traditional meaning, but other times I don’t get anything even close to that. This is one of those times that the latter is true.
In the upright position this card speaks to me about friends or colleagues who have very similar perspectives or ways of doing things. They enjoy working with or spending time with each other because it’s easy. They are very similar in their thinking and actions. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to understand each other because so much of the time, they are on the same page automatically.
What Spirit is calling us to with this card in the reversed position is the idea that we need to expand our circles. I hear Sacred Spirit calling us to be more aware of the people around us who don’t fit so well into our normal circle and take the time to get to know more about what makes them tick, to get to know them. To begin relationships with them. There is a lot to be learned from someone who is so different from us if we can put all of our judgments about them in a box in the back of a closet somewhere for a while. For long enough to get to know them. We don’t have to agree with someone 80 percent of the time to really love them, or find them intriguing, interesting, and worth caring about.
For many of us, reaching out to someone who is different from us is sort of scary. It’s uncharted territory, so to speak. We don’t know what to expect from them. We don’t always know what they will expect from us. It’s not always comfortable. But there must be great value in it, otherwise Spirit wouldn't be asking us to consider doing it.
( To find out about my readings, or how to schedule a reading with me, check me out at this web-site: )

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck) 10.16.13

The Nine of Wands Reversed
Today Sacred Spirit is calling on us to take our guard down a little bit and share more of ourselves than we typically do.
In the upright position this card is all about diligently being on defense. Making sure no one crosses into our territory when they shouldn’t. Sometimes we can get carried away in our lives with being on defense. Especially when it comes to our hearts or protecting our egos. Rejection is hard. We don’t like to open up and see what the reaction will be. That makes us vulnerable. We are taught from a young age on that being vulnerable is important to avoid.
In the upright version of this card, these diligent guardians are fully capable of defending their territory from whatever may come at them. They just don’t know what that may be. I feel that we are fully capable of staying behind our brick walls as well. We know how to do that. Many of us have been doing that for a very long time. But Sacred Spirit is using the energy of this card in reversed position to remind us that sometimes it’s ok to let the walls down that we build around ourselves and especially our hearts. That sometimes it’s ok to be vulnerable. Sometimes when we do that we find that other people are much more accepting of who we are or of our situation or whatever than we ever could have dreamed. Even when others aren’t accepting of us, it’s hard on the ego in one way, but in another way it is very freeing to be and to share our authentic selves, no matter what the response.
So today is a good day to step out from behind that brick wall, be our true authentic selves, let the defenses that we normally carry drop, and watch the people around us, and the universe respond to that.
( To find out about my readings, check me out at this web-site: )

Monday, October 14, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck) 10.15.13

The King of Pentacles Reversed
Sacred Spirit uses the energy of this card to bring to our attention material/physical security. In the upright position this is a man-tree, who we can imagine has old, strong, stable and nourishing roots spread out far and wide about him under the ground. He is very fruitful as we can see from his leaves and the fruit hanging from his branches. This card in the upright position indicates a very productive, established, and generous person. In the reversed position, as it is for today, it calls us to a little bit of something different from that.
Today this card is calling us to take whatever the next step would be towards our own material security.
For those of us just starting to learn about the metaphysical, maybe it is time to start researching more about how manifestation works. For those of us who know that, maybe it is time for us to get more serious about practicing what we know diligently.
For those of us looking for a job, this is a great day to present our resumes, fill out applications, schedule an interview, or have an interview.
For those of us who know we have health issues, it’s a good day to research what we can do to make those better. For those of us who know what it takes to make that better, this is a good day to start doing those things for ourselves.
For those of us living in a new place, this is a good day to meet some new people and start a new friendship where we are. To start putting in roots in our new place.
For those of us who are in a good, solid relationship, which feels right and grounded, this is a good day to step it up a little and take it to the next level.
Maybe it’s time to make some changes that will increase the stability and security of your family.
Things and actions that add to our physical or material security, this is a good day to go to the next level on those things. For each person reading this, the next level will be different from that of everyone else, but we are each being called to take that next step towards our own security, our own longevity, our own well-being.
What does that look like for you?
Will you answer that call?

( To find out about my readings, check me out at this web-site: )

Tarot Card for the Day: (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck) 10.14.13

The 2 of Pentacles reversed
This suggests that today something in the physical world that is normally easily in balance for you is going to be thrown off balance. (For me I’m already seeing that for example in that I stayed up way to late last night and don’t feel like my normal cheery self this morning.) It could also be something like that there will be an unexpected hiccup in cash flow for you, or an unexpected change in schedule that throws you a little off. Anything that effects your physical world in a way that throws off the normal order of things for you. It’s just temporary though. We can learn from whatever it is and move on.

( To find out about my readings, check me out at this web-site: )