Thursday, October 2, 2014

Check out my newest project.....

Check out my newest project.....weekly tarot forecasts for each sign. These are still a little amateur looking, but I'm excited about putting them together anyway and I'm sure they will look more professional as I go along.
See how accurate my predictions are for you!
Plus please share this post around as much as you can.
Amista Bennett

Monday, September 1, 2014

September 1, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Eight of Swords Reversed

There is a situation in our lives that seems to be pretty hopeless. No matter which way we turn, it seems that the effects of our actions are not good. The message here is that meditation and communication with Sacred Spirit can bring clarity and show us a productive way to handle the situation after all.



To have me pull your free personal card of the day for you, call or text me at 720-980-3550 with your name and the words “card of the day” in the text. (US and Canada phone numbers only please.)

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Sunday, August 31, 2014

August 31, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Knight of Swords in Reverse

Today there will be things revealed to us that were previously not known.



To have me pull your free personal card of the day for you, call or text me at 720-980-3550 with your name and the words “card of the day” in the text. (US and Canada phone numbers only please.)

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Friday, August 29, 2014

August 30, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The World in Reverse

My eye is drawn most prominently to the birds in this card which suggest to me:
Messages messages coming in. Today is a day of receiving inspiration after inspiration that propels us towards a new dream or goal.



To have me pull your free personal card of the day for you, call or text me at 720-980-3550 with your name and the words “card of the day” in the text. (US and Canada phone numbers only please.)

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Thursday, August 28, 2014

August 28, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Ace of Cups       

This card typically indicates the beginning of some new positive emotion for us. Sometimes about a person in our lives, or a new project or new hobby. But today the impression I am pulling from Spirit about our card is that this is more a day of renewed appreciation. It’s a day of gratitude. A day of noticing the people around us and the positive they bring into our lives, as well as the wonderful things that are in our lives and bring us peace and comfort, and even the things and people that bring us challenge and growth. Appreciation and Gratitude is the theme of today.



To have me pull your free personal card of the day for you, call or text me at 720-980-3550 with your name and the words “card of the day” in the text. (US and Canada phone numbers only please.)

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Thursday, July 31, 2014

July 31, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Two of Swords Reversed

Today the sense that I’m getting from Sacred Spirit is that we are in a position where we are trying to make the most fair and equitable decision possible, but we are very frustrated in this because we don’t feel like we have all the information that we need to do it. The message coming through about this is to turn to Spirit for help. For clarity about the situation and to lead us into the best decision possible. We can never go wrong when we look to Spirit for the big picture.


For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 13, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Four of Cups Reversed

Today the sense that I get from this card is one of us being in in a space of exhaustion and possibly even disappointment. That feeling that requires that we slow down and enjoy the peacefulness of doing nothing for a while. Giving ourselves time to think about the things that have affected us lately and to feel the emotions we have about those things. This helps us to rejuvenate our souls and to bring us refreshment for the next new days of expending ourselves within the world around us again.



For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Saturday, July 12, 2014

July 12, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Page of Pentacles Reversed

What I’m pulling from this card today is that this is a day to start focusing on our material portion of reality. It’s important to acknowledge the spiritual parts of us and incorporate them into our daily lives, but it’s also important to pay attention to the material reality of life for our physical body as well.
This is a time to follow through on plans we have been making. Each of us has much to offer the world. It’s time to step up to the plate.


For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Saturday, May 31, 2014

May 31, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Knight of Swords

Today Sacred Spirit is telling us that there is a situation in our lives that requires great bravery and a good plan to overcome. When executing the plan, it’s time to leave emotions out of it. It’s a day of doing what we need to do because we know we need to do it. No time for the luxury of self-pity. Only time to move forward and bring ourselves into a better and happier place. This is a day that requires the male energy of action.


For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Friday, May 16, 2014

May 16, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Two of Cups Reversed

The two of cups talks to us a lot about the ebb and flow of male and female energy. Male energy is that energy that goes out and DOES things actively in the physical. Female energy is that energy that expects things to come from the universe and brings them in with the expectation. Both are needed to get things accomplished most effectively.  
Today Sacred Spirit is reminding us to be aware of the two types of energy and to work at keeping  them balanced within ourselves.



For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Thursday, May 15, 2014

May 15, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Queen of Cups

Today Sacred Spirit is talking to us about the idea that this will be a day of emotional ups and downs. But through it all, we will remain calm and walk on those waves of emotion with skill and dexterity so that there is no calamity. Only problem solving and situations handled well, mixed with situations of rejoicing and happiness.



For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Hermit Reversed

Today we are being encouraged by Sacred Spirit to avoid the temptation to stay within ourselves and to instead let ourselves go out and mingle and be social. There is valuable information out there just waiting for us to tap into other people to receive it. No one of us is an island. We all can benefit from the information that others have. Let’s enjoy the people we are in contact with today and receive everything the universe has for us.


For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 29, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Sun Reversed

This is an absolutely beautiful card….well…which of these isn’t? But still, I love the energy of the Sun card. Right side up it speaks to us of being nurtured and having resources and being fruitful. Today we have this card reversed though. So what does that mean? What I am pulling from the reversed version of this card today is that even though maybe all in our world right now is not just exactly as we would like it to be, we have tons and tons of support around us. People and energies that are supporting and encouraging us in our journey. An escort, if you will, of support and excitement and love, with us all the time. We are in our perfect place for today, on our way to our perfect place for tomorrow.


For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Nine of Cups

Today is a day of wish fulfillment. Dreams that we have been working towards are coming into view now. Bounty is on the way. Today is a day of feeling satisfaction.


For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 27, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Ace of Pentacles

Today we will be receiving and unexpected gift or surprise of a practical nature that comes in very handy. This could be an actual thing, or it could come in the form of a new opportunity for us. What joyful news! Yay!


For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 26, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Six of Swords Reversed

Sacred Spirit is using this card to indicate a journey in progress for us. There is some transition that we are making in our lives. This one seems to be a process as opposed to a simple A to B transition, and at this point, what I’m pulling off of this energy is that while the transition continues, for today it is being slowed down or delayed as process or work through some things during this process.


For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Tower    
A surprising and seemingly devastating incident. Something most people don’t notice about this card when they read it though, is that the foundation is still in tact. That indicates that even after this extremely uncomfortable incident passes, we have something left to rebuild with. Even though a tower situation can start off so uncomfortably, and possibly even in a distressing way, the positive view of this card is that if we choose to, we can respond in a way that makes things better for us than they were before. We can choose to rebuild the tower the way it used to be. We can choose to build it better than it was before. We can choose to walk away from the tower and build something completely new and wonderful in it’s own way.



For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

King of Cups      

Today is a day to be calm and compassionate. To look at the big picture and see not only our needs but the needs of those around us and to work on balancing all of those out in the best interest of all involved. It is a day to be protective because of our compassion and to bring peacefulness to turbulent situations.



For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Four of Swords

This is a day for taking a break from handling any issues that have been plaguing us. It’s time to rest, recuperate, contemplate, meditate. Afterwards we will be fresher and better prepared to take care of whatever sticky issues have been giving us trouble.



For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Hermit

Today Sacred Spirit is letting us know with this card that it is a good day to reflect on our own inner workings and how they effect our exterior selves and lives. Knowledge is power, and not only do these insights give us more power over ourselves and what we create in our lives, many times having these insights about ourselves helps us to be more compassionate and understanding of those around us as well.



For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Sunday, April 20, 2014

April 20, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Knight of Swords

Happy Easter everyone!

Today is a day of seeking the truth and incorporating it into our lives more fully than we have before. Today is a day of having questions answered that have been quietly on our minds for a long time. It’s a day when the truth is revealed.

There was a great truth revealed on the original Easter, when Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene, and then the rest of the Apostles except Thomas. It was a truth that was so big it was hard to take it in without questioning ones own sanity. Sometimes the truths that we uncover can be like that too.



For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Saturday, April 19, 2014

April 19, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Chariot Reversed

Normally the chariot card would be a message of victory if it was right side up, and of delays or obstacles if reversed. However today I am getting a totally different message from Sacred Spirit on this card. 
What my mind and eye were drawn to is the crab under the water, holding the astrological symbols and the turtles swimming around him. My impression from Sacred Spirit for today is that there will be something for us that surfaces from our subconscious minds. When that happens, it will feel sort of like an “oh duh” moment, when some pieces will fall into place for us as to how a certain situation with regards to our relationships with other people suddenly makes much more sense once we have this information at a conscious level.

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Friday, April 18, 2014

April 18, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Four of Wands Reversed

We are working on something. There is a project we have focused a lot of energy onto and we had hoped to see more results by now than we are seeing so far. This card is used today to encourage us to stay the course, to not quit just because things aren’t what we thought they would be, but to but instead to keep working on the project, knowing that the rewards are on the way, and will come if we are diligent.

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Two of Wands Reversed

Today it is time for us to step up into our own authority and our own influence. So many of us are reticent to do that. We have a mindset that asks, who am I to be an influencer? Who am I to walk in my own unique power? Who am I to step out of the box when so many others are chained inside of it?
We are each unique. None of us belong in anyone elses box. None of us are helped or are helpful by trying to fit in and be like everyone else.
What is your unique power? Where is your influence? Today is the day to walk in both of those more fully. Now is the time.

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 15, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Knight of Pentacles Reversed

Today Sacred Spirit is reminding us to stay focused on our material goals. It’s an easy day to get distracted and so this is something to be aware of as we go through the day.
Also, for those of us in leadership positions, it’s a good day to remind our teams to keep their focus on the material goals as well, without being sidetracked by the distractions that are coming along.

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Four of Cups Reversed

Today we have another card where Sacred Spirit is letting us know about our emotions. Sometimes when things are really in their groove and going smoothly, we get into this emotion called boredom. Boredom and restlessness can cause us to do reckless things with our time.  It is important to realize when we are feeling those feelings so that we can divert ourselves from that boredom and recklessness and instead spend our thought and time in some new and creative, productive pursuit.



For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 13, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Queen of Cups Reversed

Sacred Spirit is using this card to remind us today that it’s good to be aware of our emotions and to factor them into our decision making.
On the flip side, it’s not good to be RULED by our emotions.
Sometimes we forget that there is a difference there, especially some of those of us who are water signs.
It’s something for us to consider and see where we could make some adjustments in our lives on that today.

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Friday, April 11, 2014

April 11, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)


Today Sacred Spirit is reminding us where our strength comes from. We see the woman restraining the lion, one of the most powerful wild animals on this planet. She is not struggling to do it. In fact, it looks as if she is petting him as she restrains him. The lion obviously trusts her. She has a track record with him. She has shown him over time that she is trustworthy.
If we want to influence situations around us, we must first display to the people around us that they can trust us. When we bring love and integrity into our daily lives, we begin to build power and influence into them to. It’s a little counter to what our culture teaches about power and authority, but love has always had better results than brute force.

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Thursday, April 10, 2014

April 10, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Page of Wands Reversed

This card is one that represents a call to doing something creative, launching a new business, coming up with a new recipe, finding a new way to do something that we already do every day, anything like that. And it has to do with things we are passionate about.
With this card coming up reversed, Sacred Spirit is telling us that it’s time to begin to look for that next creative thing or activity that we are passionate about. There is one lurking just under the surface that we haven’t tapped into yet. It’s time to find it and tap into it. Let it bring us the happiness we were born for.

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 9, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Hierophant Reversed

The Hierophant suggests ancient wisdom and deep rooted tradition. On some decks the hierophant pictured is the Catholic Pope. I personally relate to this card as reaching further back than the popes to the ancient of ancient wisdoms. The type of wisdom the people had before formal religion came along. Before Judaism was birthed.
People in more ancient days than formal religion were in touch with Sacred Spirit through the land and through the weather in the land, through the nature around them and even the planets. They learned how the ways of life are through observing and participating with these things as well as each other. This card to me, speaks of that kind of ancient wisdom. I see it as the wisdom that God or Source or Creator or Sacred Spirit, as I like to call Him/Her, planted in the earth around us for us all to see evidence of Him/Her and His/Her will for us.
Most of us have moved so far away from that in our society. Our religions have taught us that only what is in the books supported by the churches is wisdom. I believe the wisdom in those books was always only meant to illuminate the wisdom that nature shows us, to help us understand what is right in front of our faces if we choose to be in nature at all. I don’t believe that the original intent for any of those books that the churches support was for them to alienate us from the wisdom that is plainly abundant all around us.
This card today speaks to me of a calling. Of Sacred Spirit calling us to remember the ancient wisdoms that the earth and her residents, and the sky and her stars, can teach us. To incorporate those wisdoms into out lives as well. To be aware of all the abundance of wisdom He has planted around us, if we just choose to open our eyes to it.

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Friday, April 4, 2014

Come out and see me

Everyone in the Pueblo Colorado area, come out and see me at the Pueblo Holistic Health & Living Fair this Saturday and Sunday!

Here is a place to find out more about it:


AmistaFor information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

April 4, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Eight of Wands

Today we are being reminded that it is up to us to release our dreams to the Universe with a childlike trust, and then watch as the Universe pulls things together for us. Spirit has an amazing way of bringing things to pass, even when it looks like the most impossible dream that we can have.
This is not to say that we shouldn’t take any action after releasing our dreams, but to do what feels right and appropriate and let the rest fall into place. The universe, or Sacred Spirit, doesn’t have to work hard to make things happen. Only we think that things have to be hard because that’s what we have been told all of our lives. Maybe it’s time to let that old outdated idea go.

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Thursday, April 3, 2014

April 3, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Six of Swords Reversed

Todays Tarot card shows us going through a transition either physically or in another way. Maybe there are changes at work, or a shifting of energies in the home or a group we are involved in. This transition is a positive move forward, however not without it’s challenges. For some of us, we will need to clear up some things from the past to be able to keep the transition moving forward. For others of us, we will simply have to come into a mind space where we are seeing the positive and not resisting the transition as this makes things much harder than they need to be, not only for ourselves, but also for everyone involved.

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 2, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Eight of Swords

Sometimes it’s the inner life negativity that causes our outer circumstances to be less than what we want.
Sometimes we pen ourselves in with doubts and fears, sometimes we injure ourselves with anger and grudges, not that we harbor against others, but that we harbor against ourselves. We make a mistake and so we hold it against ourselves. Maybe some of us are fighting an addiction and we lost the fight for one evening. Maybe we just decided not to sink to someone elses level around us, and yet we slipped and let ourselves be provoked and did it anyway.
Today it is being emphasized to us that it is very important to not hold ourselves back like that. Today is a day when Spirit is showing us that best thing we can do is to be compassionate to ourselves. To acknowledge the mistake, to learn what we can from it, and to look upward. To look towards those things that bring us light and happiness. To look towards where we want to be and who we want to be. To focus on the light. To find the parts of us that we like. To acknowledge them. Gratitude is important. Gratitude about who we are and what we have done is key to having the life we were born to have.
Even when we seem completely penned in and trapped by thorny things, we have to start somewhere to see the light and pull out of that mess. What has been holding you back? What has made you feel penned in? What can you be grateful for in your life about who you are and what you have done in your life so far?

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Star reversed
Today we are being called to come into a place of compassion for ourselves. A place where we let all judgments fall to the wayside. This is a place of honestly understanding ourselves and accepting all of those things about us that we discover inside. Both the light and the dark parts.
This is a day to examine our emotions and our subconscious and understand more about ourselves and to love ourselves. It’s a day to be looking for our bliss and following the clues that lead us there.

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Saturday, March 29, 2014

March 29, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

 Eight of Cups reversed
Wow, Spirit just keeps bringing this idea to us over and over about letting those things have less attention and focus that are not good for us, and focusing on those things that are happiness making and helpful to us and pouring our energy into that or those situations.
Today I drew a second card for some more clarity on this issue again since Sacred Spirit really seems to be trying to hammer it home to us.

What came up is the Eight of Swords.
It’s interesting to me that in the Eight of cups, there are several cups that are falling away in the water as the character in the card is looking up and away from those. In this card there are several swords penning in the swan, but she isn’t looking at them. She is watching the light that is generated above her and working on following that light out of her situation.
The similarities here draw me to believe that Spirit is giving us a warning that if we don’t stop putting energy and focus into the negative things around us, there will be dire results. But if we focus on the good things, as the characters in these two cards do, then the negative will fall away and affect us less and less all the time, until there is more light or good things in our lives for us to focus on.
In other words, Sacred Spirit is telling us to use the law of attraction for our own benefit. That if we don’t consciously use it for our own benefit, there will be consequences that we don’t really enjoy in our lives.

Peace to all,

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Friday, March 28, 2014

March 28, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Eight of Cups reversed

We had this card just real recently, but it looks like today is another day of refining what we want, of pulling the good and the happiness making forward and letting the negative and the stress creating things fall to the wayside. Putting our energy into those good things. Putting the focus there.
Peace to all,

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

King of Swords Reversed
Today we are being encouraged to look deeper into ourselves than usual and see what is motivating us. Are we being motivated by our own dreams? By the dreams of others? By our own fears? By the fears of others? Today is a day of introspection to see what is making us tick and decide what we want to do about the information we find, or if we want to do anything about it.

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 26, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Eight of Cups Reversed
We are just eight of cups people lately. At least today this card is reversed. The meaning here for us this time is that today we will be honing in on the things that are worthwhile, and priorities to us and being able to focus on and nurture those things in our lives.

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Magician
Sacred Spirit is using this card today to remind us of our own personal power over the things in our lives. The magician is someone who knows how to use the secrets of the elements and the metaphysical to bring what he wants into his own reality.
Today we are being encouraged to look around us at what we have brought into our own realities and appreciate the good, and start to make adjustments to the things that we have brought in that are not in line with our life purpose or our happiness.

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Monday, March 24, 2014

March 24, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Eight of Cups
This is a day of realizing a situation or relationship is no longer beneficial to you in spite of how much effort and hope you have put into it. It’s a day of having the clarity to realize that it’s time to cut losses and let it go.

The two sentences above are what I wrote for yesterday when this card came up. Here this card is again. Which can mean one of a few things. Either we are facing another situation in which we face that it’s in our best interest to let someone or something go today, or what started for us yesterday has turned into a process for us that is taking some time, or maybe we just didn’t get the message in this situation and Sacred Spirit is still trying to help us see it.

I decided to pull an additional card to get further insight into our situations. What came up is the Knight of Swords reversed, which Sacred Spirit is using to tell me that it is going to take courage, determination, and a will of steel to accomplish this “letting go” that we are facing. It’s an encouragement to be strong, or to stay strong.
Peace to us all,

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Sunday, March 23, 2014

March 23, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Eight of Cups
This is a day of realizing a situation or relationship is no longer beneficial to you in spite of how much effort and hope you have put into it. It’s a day of having the clarity to realize that it’s time to cut losses and let it go.

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Saturday, March 22, 2014

March 22, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Ace of Swords
Sacred Spirit is showing us that today we are going to have a situation that we suddenly have a more clear perspective on than we did previously. This new, clearer perspective is going to allow us to move forward on that situation in a very positive and happiness making direction.
Sometimes when we have a new perspective, it involves realizing a truth that is hard for us to face. I feel like in this case, this is not so much a truth that is a difficult one to look at, but actually very pleasant. I’m feeling like the only reason we weren’t able to look at things from this new perspective before is just because of our own old hang-ups that sort of kept our blinders on, if you will. There was some way of thinking programmed into us previously that didn’t let us dare to think that things could really be this good.  
Isn’t it wonderful when we can open our eyes to the beauty around us that has been here all along?
Love and Peace to all,

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Friday, March 21, 2014

March 21, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Three of Pentacles
Sacred Spirit is showing us that today is a day for teamwork and harmonizing with others to reach our goals. There is a lot that we can accomplish as individuals. We all have our own power and our own influence within our spheres. This card is a reminder that we don’t have to do EVERYTHING by ourselves, and that many things become much easier when teamwork is involved.
What goals are you willing to help other people to achieve? What goals would other people gladly help you to achieve if you gave them the chance?

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Thursday, March 20, 2014

March 20, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Justice brings balance to any situation. It introduces harmony and long term peacefulness into a situation that would otherwise be toxic.
But justice cannot always be discerned by just looking at the surface of a matter. Sometimes to find real justice we have to look at all the details. Understand all aspects of the situation.
Sacred Spirit is letting us know today via this card that if there is a situation that we would like to see harmony and long term peacefulness in, then we need to look for the justice which hasn’t been applied yet to the situation, but not to be hasty about it. We need to consider all aspects before we arrive at our conclusion.

For information about scheduling a reading with me, visit my web-site:

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March 19, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Three of Swords Reversed
Todays card in the upright position indicates our own insecurities getting the best of us. But since it’s in the reversed position, there is a whole different meaning here. Sacred Spirit is showing us that today is a day of people coming alongside of us and supporting us in our efforts, dreams and adventures. I am also getting the strong impression that today is also ca great day for us to come alongside others and offer our support to them as well. This may or may not indicate us supporting the people who are supporting us, it could also indicate us supporting others who aren’t able or willing to support us as well, or even instead.
It’s a good day to be open to receiving support, and on the flip side, also a good day to look for those opportunities that arise to be supportive.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 16, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Wheel of Fortune
Everything has a season and a time. What Spirit is using this card for today is to remind us of that. To help us remember that when things are bad they are only temporary and that they have a tendency to come back around to being good again as long as we stay in the process and keep putting one foot in front of the other toward our goals.
This card indicates that an upswing is beginning again for us now.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 12, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Ace of Cups
Today is going to be a day of new beginnings for us. The Ace of Cups indicates the first stirrings of a new relationship, or possibly the first stirrings of a new level in a current relationship.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

March 11, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Page of Pentacles Reversed
Today we are getting a message about an impending new venture. We are being shown that it is on the way and now is the time to get things in place and be prepared for the venture to begin. Planning and preparation are what this card is being used by Sacred Spirit to encourage us to do.
For me it is easy to see how this card is coming into play in my life as it is my last week of work at my “normal job” and I am training my replacement there, when I am home, I am focused on making sure I’m ready for the clients and readings that I will be seeing and doing so much more of. Making sure everything is in place for me to make this new venture of mine as successful as I can possibly dream it to be.
I would be interested to see in the comments what new venture you, gentle readers, are preparing for in your lives.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 6, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Three of Wands
We have this card for the second day in a row now. When this happens sometimes it frustrates me because I feel like maybe we (I) are not moving forward as quickly as I could, otherwise why would Sacred Spirit have to repeat a message to me (us)?
Today though I get the sense that Spirit is just trying to let us in on a key to bringing these dreams we talked about yesterday into the next dimension of reality. That key is gratitude. To bring our dreams further into this realm, it’s important that we are grateful for what has already manifest here. It’s important to realize that everything we have, was brought about by someone manifesting it. Those things or situations may not be what we need or are thrilled with anymore. We may have outgrown them. But at one time, they were absolutely perfect for where we were in our life and for our ability at that time to manifest. Gratitude is that attitude that will propel us forward. What is it that you are grateful for?