Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Fool
Do you know that leap of faith you’ve been wanting to take for months now? That one that you’ve just been waiting for the right time on? That one that’s so big the thought of doing it makes your heart pound with fear and with excitement all at the same time?
Sacred Spirit is using this card to let us know that today is a wonderful day for us to take the next step towards that leap of faith. For me, it is the call to offer my psychic and medium services on a full time basis, to quit scattering my time and resources by putting in 40 hours of work for a company. The job is a good one, where I am surrounded by good people. I have no visible reason to walk away from it. Except that, even though I’m very good at it, it’s not what I’m called to do. It’s not where I can be the highest and best help to humanity. Today I will be letting them know there that they need to start looking for someone that I can train because I will be officially putting in my two weeks notice on Friday.
What is your leap of faith?


  1. What a perfect card, it's exactly what I needed! I quit my job in investment banking to pursue a career as a spiritual teacher and student. I just started a new blog and I'm starting to get some negative comments but this reading gave me the confidence to just keep moving forward and focus on helping people.

    1. Kudos to you Bryan!
      When Sacred Spirit calls us the best thing we can do for ourselves (and for the world around us) is to not fight it and just answer that call!
      Peace to you as you walk your journey. :)
