Friday, February 28, 2014

February 28, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Devil Reversed

This is a day of incredible breakthrough. Sacred Spirit is using this card to show us that today we will be breaking free of situations and/or thought patterns that have had us in bondage recently, and for some of us, for a very long time.  This type of breakthrough does take some effort on our part. We have to face up to and stand down some of our deepest fears to get this breakthrough. But it’s soooooo worth it!



Thursday, February 27, 2014

February 27, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Two of Wands Reversed
Today is a day that Sacred Spirit is reminding us to be aware of the influence that our relationships are having on us. Relationships can be a tricky thing. Relationships with anybody, our lovers, our bosses, our parents, our children, our siblings. Sometimes two people fit together like a glove fits a hand, sometimes not so much. The tricky thing about relationships sometimes is balancing the idea of being true to ourselves, while at the same time, allowing some self sacrifice for the sake of the relationship, or the other person. Where are the boundaries there? Do we cause the other person to respect those boundaries? Have we lost control of our own boundaries so long ago that we don’t even know where they are anymore? Do we still know who we are when we are in relationship with the other people in our world, or are we too busy trying to please them to remember our very essence? This is a day to think about those things. To decide what is working for us and what is not. And then to figure out what kind of adjustments we can make to allow ourselves to be true to our own essence, and to allow others to be true to theirs as well.


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 26, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

King of Pentacles Reversed
Today is a day that we are being called to look at the material side of life. Our finances. Our other resources. It’s a day to contemplate where we stand with the material resources that we have.
Are we letting the material, our finances, our resources, control us? Or are we in control of them? Do we like where we find ourselves when we think about that? If we don’t, what can we do to change that situation? If we do like where we find ourselves when we think about our material situation, how can we take that to the next level? Do we show others how to get themselves into a good place too? Do we work on our own growth and step it up a notch so that we can help more people around us with the blessings that we have?
Spirit is using this card as a call to reflect, and then a call to implement. Reflection only goes so far without action. What will our action be today in this regard?

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Eight of Cups Reversed
Today things are starting to become more clear to us. We have had a lot of options on our plates. Maybe some of us were trying to do them all and our energy was too scattered to be effective at any of them. Maybe some of us have been having a hard time trying to decide what is the most important to or best for us and those we influence.
Sacred Spirit is using this card to say that today is a day when things start to clarify. By the end of the day, if we haven’t narrowed things down to just the one option that is the best for us, then we will certainly be much closer than we have been lately. Plans are starting to formulate within us about how we want to handle these options and we are on our way to letting go of the things of lesser importance so we can finally feel effective again in the things that we are called to be.
Have a great day everyone!

Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Fool
Do you know that leap of faith you’ve been wanting to take for months now? That one that you’ve just been waiting for the right time on? That one that’s so big the thought of doing it makes your heart pound with fear and with excitement all at the same time?
Sacred Spirit is using this card to let us know that today is a wonderful day for us to take the next step towards that leap of faith. For me, it is the call to offer my psychic and medium services on a full time basis, to quit scattering my time and resources by putting in 40 hours of work for a company. The job is a good one, where I am surrounded by good people. I have no visible reason to walk away from it. Except that, even though I’m very good at it, it’s not what I’m called to do. It’s not where I can be the highest and best help to humanity. Today I will be letting them know there that they need to start looking for someone that I can train because I will be officially putting in my two weeks notice on Friday.
What is your leap of faith?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Sun
Sacred Spirit is using this card to show us that today is a day for us to be fully creative and aware of what we are creating. We have resources at our fingertips that allow us to be fruitful and productive. It is up to us to use them to the fullest. Today is a day to allow ourselves to move towards those things that really make us happy. As an old friend of mine said, follow the things that make your eyes shine. This is a day to be creative and even revolutionary about doing that. There is some very positive and supportive energy out there for us today if we are willing to receive it and tap into it.
Sacred Spirit has given each of us a calling. We find out what that calling is by following the clues that he has placed within us. By following those things which make us happy. Today is a good day to focus on whatever the next step is for each of us in coming closer to living out those things which the Great Creator has made us uniquely able to do well.

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 18, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

King of Swords Reversed
The message Sacred Spirit is sending us with this card tonight has to do with our thinking and how we look at things, with our perspective.
Many of us think “in the boxes”. We do things the way that they have always been done. Sometimes those ways are outmoded and not really the best option anymore. But we get comfortable with the familiar. We make nests in our little thought boxes, and then we don’t want to leave them, even though they are not the best solutions to our situations sometimes.
Spirit is calling us to be more creative about how we do things. To examine our current perspectives on things and see if they still work for us or not. Sacred Spirit is encouraging us to step out of our boxes and see what else is out there that works for us in this great big world.

February17, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Seven of Pentacles Reversed
Sacred Spirit is using this card to let us know that today is an especially good to to be aware of the seed we are sowing, in our own lives, and also in the lives of people around us.
There are many ways that we sow seed, through our words and even expressions and body language we sow emotional and mental seed that has the potential to become life influencing.
Through our actions we sow physical seeds with physical implications on our everyday lives, and also many times on the lives of those around us.
At times it can be easy to sow our seeds without considering the full consequences of our actions to ourselves and even to others around us. Today is a good day to practice opening up our awareness of this to the next level.
How aware are you of the consequences of the seed that you are sowing?
Is the seed that you are sowing really the seed that you want to have planted around you?
Do you want to harvest bushels more of the same?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 5, 2014, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Seven of Pentacles
Sacred Spirit is using this card to let us know that today is a day when we will be harvesting the things that we have sown. This can be a really great card if we are conscientious in our dealings with other people. Those of us who have been planting good seed, can expect a harvest of the same.
Peace to all,
