Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 7, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Judgment - XX
The number twenty. Two with a zero behind it. In numerology a number with a zero behind it has the traits of that number, but more extremely than the single digit version of the number. Two is all about balance, push and pull, yin and yang. Twenty is all about balance at an accentuated level. It brings balance into a whole new priority level in our lives.
And the idea of judgment. The card is the artist depiction of the judgment of all souls at the end of the earth. There are at least a couple ideas about judgment in that scenario. Some would have us believe that God is the judge of everyone. Some believe that we each judge ourselves so we know what needs to be adjusted and worked on the next time around. Since the rule about reading the Tarot is that the message comes through in the readers frame of reference as opposed to the frame of reference of the sitter (or the person receiving the reading), so the frame of reference we are going to be using to look at this card through tonight will be the second one, because that’s what I happen to believe, and in this case, I’m the reader.
So, there are two very clear ideas popping out at me about today. This is a day of balance and of judgment towards ourselves. So we are going to be striving to balance the important things in our lives, and we are going to have to make some decisions about what those are today. When I think of the judgment card, I think of analyzing a situation. Weighing it out. Checking out the pros and the cons in a very deliberate way. It’s looking at ourselves and evaluating who we are, what we want, and if what we are doing is in integrity with those two ideas.
Most of us don’t walk around with just one important thing going on in our lives, so today is about balancing all of those, making decisions about priorities so that we don’t get out of balance, and living in integrity as we do this.
Happy decision making all. Remember, you are your own authority.
PS: For those of you who would like a reading with me, when we hit 1000 page-views for this blog, I will be posting a contest on the following days Tarot Card Interpretation so that one of you can win a 30 minute psychic telephone reading with me. We are less than 300 page-views away from that already, and I have been posting here for less than a month, so be sure to share my entries to get us there that much quicker! Then stayed tuned for how to win the contest!
For those of you that don’t want to wait, or don’t want to chance it, you can schedule a reading with me by going to my web-site: for scheduling information.
Peace again,

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