Thursday, November 28, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 29, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Knight of Wands
This card addresses a lot of different things. But there is one solid message that is popping out to me today as I sense around about our message here. Do you see the mountain in the background on the right hand side of the card? Typically for me in Tarot, a mountain symbolized a challenge. In this card for us today, we see the mountain area of the card behind our hero, the knight of wands and his cohorts. What Sacred Spirit is using this to indicate for us today is that the most difficult part of a challenging situation we have been facing is now behind us. I have the sense that most of us are still facing that same situation to a certain degree, maybe even just tying up loose ends around it, but the point is that we have each made it through the hardest part of whatever situation it is that we are facing.
For me, this is easy to see playing out in my life. I just returned from an out of state trip I had to make suddenly to take care of some things because my Grandma was suddenly put in a nursing home. It was a plane trip followed by 5 days of non-stop work, then get on a plane the next day home again.
I am very thankful my mother was able to find a good nursing home for Grandma to stay in, and just as thankful that my grandma seems to be adjusting amazingly well to her new living situation.
Now that I think about it, even though my mom and my grandma don’t read my blog, the encouraging message Sacred Spirit is sending through the energy of this card could easily apply to all three of us.
How does it apply to you?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 28, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Ace of Cups
Today we will find ourselves enjoying the camaraderie of someone new to us, or we will find shared interests that were previously unknown with someone already in our lives.
This cards energy speaks to us about the very first hints of the beginning of a new relationship, generally speaking. Sometimes these relationships blossom into amazing things of beauty and endurance, and sometimes they die out soon after the first hints. Either way, this is a time to be enjoyed for what it is and treasured.
Peace to all,

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 27, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Today we are being called to let go of something that has been holding us back, with the promise of wonderful transformation as a result of letting this thing go.
The judgment card speaks to us of a time after death, when some believe we are judged by God. Others believe we judge our own selves and actions in the past life. Either way you look at it, it’s a time of analyzing experiences and actions from the previous life. That is usually the first impression for me as I look at this card. But today it’s a little different.
The first thing that attracted my attention was the trumpet. When I see this trumpet and that the angel depicted is shown as using it in these scene, I’m drawn to the idea of a trumpet call. For me, a trumpet call is a call to action. It’s Reveille to wake up to in boot camp in the morning. Trumpets used to signal time to attack in military actions of the past. Trumpet calls were used to draw the kings audience to attention when he entered the room, at least they were in the movies, I don’t know if that was the reality or not. All of these trumpet calls have something in common. They each call the hearer to react to it in a very specific way. So the first thing that I perceive as I read this card is that we are being called.
The next thing I noticed in the card were all of the wonderful butterflies. Now to me, butterflies are the ultimate symbol of transformation. Those delightful creatures start out not as something beautiful or free floating, in possession of their own liberty. They start out as the humble hairy little caterpillar, crawling along on the ground, breathing dust, without much of a view. After their metamorphosis, they are the beautiful, free-flying creatures who have a much better view than the caterpillar that most of us find great delight in. What a transformation, to be sure!
So, we are being called to transform, and Spirit is even using the energy on this card to tell us how to do that as well!
Do you see all the poppies on the bottom of the card? Poppies are a symbol of death. When we “die”, we let go of our bodies. And in this case, letting go is what the poppies are pointing us towards. There are things that each of us do that we already know better than to be doing. Maybe we eat foods we know we shouldn’t, maybe we begin relationships with hot girls (or for some of us, great guys) we know we shouldn’t. Maybe we continue in friendships, faking that everything is fine when really it’s not fine at all. Maybe we have old stuff that we don’t want to let go of. Why do we hold on to these old things, old patterns, old relationships? They no longer work for us. What are we doing to ourselves by our behavior? We are holding ourselves back. If we would just let go of these old things, we could hold on to something new and better. Something more appropriate for the now in our lives.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 26, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Five of Wands
Sacred Spirit is using the energy of this card today to remind us to stay focused on our goals. Today there are a lot of distractions going on around us. Lot’s of activity that we could be side-tracked by. But today is a day for us to keep our eyes on what we want and not let the distractions change our direction or confuse us about the big picture for ourselves.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 25, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Ace of Cups Reversed
Sacred Spirit is using the energy of this card today to call our attention to renewing or strengthening old relationships. This may will have to do with people that you haven’t seen so often lately, or with people that you have just had some kind of rift with lately.
You will have an opportunity to build some of that old closeness back in. I’m not feeling this so much as for romantic relationships, but more for family and good friends.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 24, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Emperor IV
The Emperor card seems to be coming up a lot for us lately. It’s a card of power authority. Today what is drawing my attention in this card is the dragon the emperor is holding in the ball between his hands. The dragon is known for his wisdom. He lives a long time and has much life experience which translates into wisdom as he goes through his life. He is also known to be very versatile. Able to breath fire or ice.
Today the message I am sensing for us from Sacred Spirit, is for us to be aware of the power that we have, over ourselves as well as others, and to make sure we are wise about what we do with that control. In some instances it will be best to cool things off a little bit. Freeze the situation and get a bigger perspective before moving forward. Other situations will need our fire and our passion to get them ignited and moving forward.
What are you versatile in as a leader?
What situation can you be more versatile in?
Do you use wisdom in making your plans and your responses?
Do you think about what approach would work best for different situations?

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 22, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Knight of Swords Reversed
Today we are being reminded to choose our battles carefully. The Knight of Swords rushes in rashly to defend those things he believes in. Rushing rashly is not always the best formula for success. In fact, it sort of sounds like being triggered. Reacting instead of taking appropriate action.
With this card being reversed, we are being told to think things through before we respond. DON’T rush in rashly. Instead of reacting, it would be better to give ourselves time to analyze our situation before responding. Make sure that the response we do have, is one that will have positive and productive results. It’s a good way to live every day. But doing this will be key to today
As a side note: I will be on a plane tomorrow at my normal posting time here. I am unsure how things will work out at the other end of the line so I’m not sure if I will be posting tomorrow or not. If I do, it will be hours later than usual. But I will be thinking of all of you and wishing you, as usual, peace within yourselves.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 21, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Eight of Swords
Today Sacred Spirit is making us aware that not all of us are suited to do all things. We are each different and each different for a reason. For a purpose. We each have things to contribute while we are walking around on this planet, and they are not the same things as our neighbor.
This card shows a swan, who is very strong, very protective and normally an able defender of what is important to her, tangled up in a thorny bush. There are the remains of those who have come before her and tried to use brute force to free themselves but that didn’t work and so they perished right there. In the same spot that she is in.
But look, she has some help. The hummingbird, who can fly in and out of this thorny bush all day long because of his size and agility, is coaxing the swan to calm down. To quit flapping and carrying on. To quit throwing a fit. To quit panicking. As the swan calms down the hummingbird can move the vines away from her, so that one by one, her obstacles are removed, and soon she will be able to fly free again.
The hummingbird is suited for this job. He certainly won’t perish from his efforts. The swan would have no hope without the hummingbird. It is being pointed out to us today that we are not so different from the swan and the hummingbird in this card. We are each proficient at some things, but not at others. I, for instance, can give an accurate reading any day of the week, but if someone were to hire me to frame a house, they would be greatly disappointed with my performance. It’s important to help each other where we can.
It’s just as important, and for some of us, even harder to do than helping someone else, to let someone else help us sometimes too. We each have our strong points and they aren’t the same. It encourages us to interact with others and to live life more fully through those interactions. It’s ok to be the strong swan, the one normally being the protector who is caught in the thorny bushes and in need of help. It’s ok to be the tiny little hummingbird who finds herself in the unlikely position of being able to help someone bigger and more powerful than herself.
There is a reason each of us is exactly the way we are.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 20, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Hermit - IX - Reversed
We had this card in the upright position two or three days ago, and as can often happen with a reversed card, or even the same card in a different spread or on a different day, it has a meaning completely different than the last time we saw it. The last time we had this card the message was all about the hermits journey and how it relates to us.
Today when I look at this card the first thing that draws my eye isn’t the hermit at all, but instead the stone circle that is a part of the formation of his precarious perch. The next thing that catches my eye are the spirals that seem to be in the atmosphere around that stone ring. They remind me very much of the Golden Mean Ratio, which I read in one place on the web somewhere symbolize the universe as it reaches towards and grows neverendingly more and more into perfect balance. So there is a theme here today in what I see.
The stone ring or circle symbolizes harmony and balance to me. A circle of any kind can keep rolling as long as no one and inertia don’t interfere with it. It’s perfect roundness is totally balanced and also totally infinite. Think of the top of a drinking glass. Think of tracing the top of that glass lightly with your index finger. How long can you keep tracing without being interrupted or blocked by any part of that circle that you are tracing with your finger? You could keep doing that forever. Infinitely if you wanted to, without ever being interrupted by the shape of the circle itself.
So what is our message today? It is a reminder of the infinite struggle to keep things in balance in our lives all the time. To keep things harmonious. All working together well. It seems that just when we are about to get a routine down, something seems to come along and shake us up. Tweek things so that we need to find a new routine to keep the harmony flowing, to keep the balance going. It’s all a part of our growth. It’s like the universe is watching us as we play out our lives somewhat similar to a video game. And when we have just about got one level memorized and could just almost walk through it successfully in our sleep, then the universe just bumps us up to the next level. It keeps us from stagnating and becoming useless.
Today is a day to work on our balance again. To reach as close as we can to perfect harmony again. This is a day that we begin to learn how to have harmony and balance on a whole new level in our lives.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 19, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Emperor - IV
We’ve had this card before, although I don’t remember if it was in the upright or reversed position the last time it came up.
Today we are being reminded that we are the authority in our lives. We are responsible for the decisions that we make and that we refuse to make.
Today is a good day for us to examine the rules that we hold for ourselves and for those around us. The message I am getting today specifically applies to our boundaries. This is a really great day for inspecting the fences, as the cowboys may say. It’s a day for considering our boundaries, for looking at if they are doing what we want them to do or not. Checking to see if our own boundaries are limiting us or enhancing our well-being.
It’s time to check in on those rules we have for ourselves and for our interactions with others and bring them up to date. Make them as healthy and productive for all involved as we can in the present moment.
Many times we come up with rules for ourselves out of fear, maybe because we had a bad experience. But those rules almost never do anyone any good. The rules we want to hold onto are the ones that we came up with from a place of love in our hearts.
What rules have you put in place for yourself out of fear?
What rules have you put in place for yourself out of love?

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 18, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Five of Cups
Sacred Spirit is using the energy of this card today to bring to our awareness the idea that there may be some things that we are nostalgic about. Old things that are gone now, and yet we still want to hold onto. Things that really, are in our best interest to let go of.
Today is a day for processing some of those old things that are in our past even though we wish they weren’t. It’s a day to get our closure with these things so that we can open up a space in our hearts and our lives to let in something fresh, new and wonderful.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 17, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Hermit – IX
The Hermit happens to be my birth card and so I’m very familiar with it’s energy. This card speaks to us of someone who is able to reflect on how they themselves work, on what makes their own selves tick. This person is able to plumb the inner depths of self and come back up from that journey intact and the better for it. This is an extremely reflective person, to the point of being somewhat reclusive. The hermit needs this time alone to make those inner journeys of exploration undisturbed. These are generally times of healing for the hermit.
But for the hermit, there is so much more going on than just some reclusive inner reflection and healing. As the hermit learns about himself and what makes him tick. As he learns about his light side and his shadow side, he is learning about things and patterns that apply to much more than just him. He is learning that those things he sees in himself, are not JUST in himself, but also in similar forms in the people around him, in his environment, and in the universe. As the hermit learns more about himself, it doesn’t take long for him to recognize the other places that his lessons are good in, and he is well able to apply his knowledge gotten from inner reflection to the situations in the manifest world around him to bring about more of the outcomes that he desires. What the hermit learns in his reclusive self-reflection is valuable information to have. It puts him at a higher level than those who don’t take the time to do this.
Notice also the lantern that the hermit is holding. Even though he is still a recluse. He is still not coming out to play with the rest of the community near him, he still holds aloft a lantern. That lantern is not for him. The lessons he has learned give him plenty of light to see by. That lantern is for those near him. Those other seekers of truth that are approaching the place where the hermit is now. It’s a lantern of information to light the way for them to see the path, at least as far as the hermit himself has traveled on it.
Those lessons that the hermit has learned about himself, and by which transfer in application to those around him and to his environment, those lessons learned become the light for those who come after to guide themselves by.
Today I see us as the hermit. I believe that some of us are in different places on the journey than others of us. Some of us are just beginning to pull back and do some reflecting on ourselves and why we do what we do. Others of us have started to learn some of the hermits lessons about ourselves and are struggling with what to do with those lessons in a practical way. Still others of us have learned how those lessons apply to the people and the world around us and we now hold the lamp out for others to see by as they make their way on their own journey. No matter where we are in the hermit experience, this is a day for us to be especially aware of that. Especially thankful that we are able to have and learn from a hermit experience.
Where are you on the hermits road? Are you just starting to reflect on yourself? Have you learned a few lessons already? Do you continue to reflect while also holding out the light for others? What does this look like in your life?

Friday, November 15, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 16, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Five of Swords
We find ourselves today in this place again of the inner battle of ourselves. Of seeing the reality of some aspect of ourselves that we heretofore didn’t allow ourselves to acknowledge was there. Now it’s up to us to make peace with that part of ourselves or to change it into what we want it to be. Just seeing the shadowy parts of ourselves that we normally keep under wraps can be stressful enough. But to acknowledge them and do something about them takes things to a whole other level.
The good news is that on the other side of making peace or changing this aspect of us, we have grown ourselves into happier people in the process.
We did this not that long ago and then later saw the reward for our work come into our lives. This is the same type of process as that, only this time, at least ideally, we are dealing with a different issue than last time, or we are going deeper with the same issue, just depending on what each of us need personally in our lives.
Peace to all,

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 15, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Three of Cups – Reversed
Sacred Spirit is using the energy of this card in the reversed position today to remind us that we each are individuals, but that as individuals we all have an effect on each other. We all share connections. Some of those connections are obvious, some, not so much, if we don’t look for them.
This is a day to glory in and revel in the duality of ourselves as individuals that are all a part of the greatest whole of all. It’s a day to start seeing our brothers and sisters as a part of ourselves and to start acting as if we know that each one of us effects the other. A day to be helpful in our very individual way. A day to appreciate the fact that others help us. A day of teamwork and camaraderie. A day of appreciating each others strengths instead of letting those make us feel jealous or insecure. A day of stepping back to see the big picture and look at how each person plays a role in our lives that interconnects with the roles of other individuals in our lives.
PS: Cindy C. of Colorado, was delighted to receive her reading at no charge in celebration of us hitting 1000 page-views in less than a month, and it was such a great honor to do a reading with her!
Best of luck to the rest of you the next time I do a contest. (I am planning on doing another when we hit 2000 page-views, so keep on sharing the blog so we get there that much faster!)
Thanks again to all of you for your wonderful and loyal support!
Peace again,

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 13, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Strength -VIII - Reversed
This card is a really beautiful one and has such a beautiful meaning in the upright position. The energy of this card speaks to us about strength, peace, compassion, soft control of deadly force.
We have it in the reversed position today so we have to look at what the twist is here for us this time. What I’m sensing Sacred Spirit talking to us about with the card like this today is the idea of becoming more familial with what our own strengths are. So many of us go through life taking ourselves and our skills for granted. But they are all given to us for a reason. They each have a useful purpose in our lives. Today is a day to pay special attention to what we are good at, to our strong points. It’s a good day to become aware of why these strengths were given to us, or why we were enabled to develop them. It’s time to look at the big picture and see how these strengths help us move forward with our life purposes. It’s time for us to start understanding at a deeper level that every little thing that is given to us is all a part of a bigger pattern. All of these are to be used first for our own good, and then for the good of others.
We must put our life purpose front and center. We can use these strengths towards accomplishing that. For those of us who don’t know what our life purpose is yet, assessing our strengths today, and how they help us in our lives, will give us some good clues about the direction in which we should be looking.
PS: We hit 1000 page-views after the blog entry from last night was posted!!!! Thanks to all of you for your loyal support in sharing my blog every day! As you probably already know, to celebrate, I want to give a 30 minute telephone reading to one of you at no charge. I have decided to make the contest this time around a very simple one.
To win this reading with me, you will have to be the first to send me an e-mail to my e-mail address with the name of your favorite tarot card in the subject line from an e-mail address where I can reach you so we can schedule your reading. My e-mail address is:
Here are the rules of this contest:
1)You must be 18 or older
2)You must live in the United States or Canada and have a phone number in one of those countries
If, for any reason, the winner does not contact me within 48 hours of receiving notice of winning the contest to schedule the reading, then the second person who e-mailed me per the instructions above will be awarded the 30 minute reading with me instead and the person originally notified will forfeit the prize.
If, by some oddball chance, that would happen with the second winner, I will continue down the list to the third person, and so on, as needed, until a winner responds and claims their reading.
Thanks again to all of you for your wonderful and loyal support!
Peace again,

Monday, November 11, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 12, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

The Emperor - IV - Reversed
Before we get into the card I want to thank those of you who read here yesterday and compassionately sent light and strength my way. Within an hour of posting the blog, you all had me starting to get my energy back and by a few hours later and even through the rest of the day, I have felt great. Thank you so much! *big hugs to you all*
Now to look at the card Sacred Spirit is using to speak to us today. The Emperor card is one that speaks of authority and of bringing something productive out of chaos when it us upright. Today I really hear Sacred Spirit pulling on me with this cards energy about our authority over ourselves. Over how we react to people and situations that come into our lives. Over our own words. Over our own moods. Even over our own thoughts.
But this card is in the reversed position, so it’s too simple just to say that this card is reminding us of our authority over our own lives and our own selves. In the reversed position the energy of this card is being used to call us to be conscious of the decisions we are making, or the reactions we are doing without stopping to think and decide. Spirit is calling us to be mindful of our own authority, our own power. And the message today is to use that wisely. We are being called to think before just reacting. To make choices that are productive and good for everyone involved. This is a day of being called into the responsibility that goes with such power and authority. To use our sense of responsibility with this authority and power to guide us into something that moves us and those around us forward. Much like the Emperor, we each make a difference with our own authority and power. Will we realize that at a deeper level, and act in the truth of that?
PS: For those of you who would like a reading with me, when we hit 1000 page-views for this blog, I will be posting a contest on the following days Tarot Card Interpretation so that one of you can win a 30 minute psychic telephone reading with me. We are less than 100 page-views away from that already, and I have been posting here for less than a month, so be sure to share my entries to get us there that much quicker! Then stayed tuned for how to win the contest!
For those of you that don’t want to wait, or don’t want to chance it, you can schedule a reading with me by going to my web-site: for scheduling information.
Peace again,

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 11, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Image ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Temperence - XIV - Reversed

I am going to keep this short and sweet tonight. Over the past week I have been packing to move, got most everything from point A to point B yesterday with the help of several wonderful and generous friends. Today I got the old place cleaned up and turned in the key but still overwhelmed with how much stuff in boxes there still is in my new place. This whole process has worn me down quite a bit and any light and strength my loyal readers send to me is much appreciated.
Now, on to our card! This card is all about balance and moderation, and today we have it reversed. What Sacred Spirit is using the energy of this card to convey to us today is that we are in a position to inspire others with and share our balance with those around us. We may be the stabilizing force in a situation, or they may just be watching us as we move through our lives. Either way, this is our time to shine, just be being who we naturally are.
PS: For those of you who would like a reading with me, when we hit 1000 page-views for this blog, I will be posting a contest on the following days Tarot Card Interpretation so that one of you can win a 30 minute psychic telephone reading with me. We are less than 100 page-views away from that already, and I have been posting here for less than a month, so be sure to share my entries to get us there that much quicker! Then stayed tuned for how to win the contest!
For those of you that don’t want to wait, or don’t want to chance it, you can schedule a reading with me by going to my web-site: for scheduling information.
Peace again,

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 10, 2013, (Image from Shadowscapes Tarot and ©Stephanie Pui-Mun Law)

Nine of Pentacles Reversed
This card in the upright position is speaking about someone who has become more advanced in their learning about how the spiritual and the physical interconnect and effect each other.
Sacred Spirit tonight is using it to call to our attention that today, for us, is a day of following the path of that learner. Of that seeker of truth. Today is a day for us of learning about more of the interactions and overlappings and effects that spirit has on physical, and physical has on spirit than we were aware of on a conscious level before. These will be very empowering lessons indeed, I would say even life-changers.
Happy learning to us all!
PS: For those of you who would like a reading with me, when we hit 1000 page-views for this blog, I will be posting a contest on the following days Tarot Card Interpretation so that one of you can win a 30 minute psychic telephone reading with me. We are less than 200 page-views away from that already, and I have been posting here for less than a month, so be sure to share my entries to get us there that much quicker! Then stayed tuned for how to win the contest!
For those of you that don’t want to wait, or don’t want to chance it, you can schedule a reading with me by going to my web-site: for scheduling information.
Peace again,

Friday, November 8, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 9, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Five of Swords Reversed
I have to admit, when I saw this card come up, my first reaction was a childish one. “NOOOOOOO…..I don’t want to write about this card! I just wrote about it a few days ago!” But then as I scrolled back and looked at the last time it came up, I realized we had gotten this card in the upright position before, but now it’s reversed. So I’m calming down now as I get grounded and ready to interpret it for today.
The last time we had this card, it was being used by Sacred Spirit to point out to us our darker side and our inner turmoil. Giving us a chance to address those things. This time, reversed, the energy is a little bit different, but actually in direct correlation to the message from the last time around.
This time we are being given a bit of a breather. A reward for facing those dark shadows within ourselves. Today is when those of us who did that on the 29th of October, begin to harvest some of the sweet rewards of that. By looking those shadows within ourselves in the eye, and deciding what action we should take about them, to either change them or make peace with them, we have made ourselves more healthy people. More healthy people have more healthy lives. We are going to begin to see the manifestation of that work, today. The reward is showing up. We are bringing in our first harvest from this work we did. I don’t know any other way to say it, but I can say, this little break is sure going to feel sweet to me!
PS: For those of you who would like a reading with me, when we hit 1000 page-views for this blog, I will be posting a contest on the following days Tarot Card Interpretation so that one of you can win a 30 minute psychic telephone reading with me. We are less than 200 page-views away from that already, and I have been posting here for less than a month, so be sure to share my entries to get us there that much quicker! Then stayed tuned for how to win the contest!
For those of you that don’t want to wait, or don’t want to chance it, you can schedule a reading with me by going to my web-site: for scheduling information.
Peace again,

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 8, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

King of Wands Reversed
This is a really dynamic card for us today. There is so much that is popping out of this card for us. So many impressions flying at me. Let’s start sorting them all out to figure out what it all means for us.
The first impression that I’m getting is one of authority. Do you see all the lions in this card? King of the jungle. And these appear to be friends and cohorts with the King of Wands.
The second impression is one of a combination of strength and experience. So maybe strength through experience. The horns on the mans head indicate the strength part of that, but then look at the rack. This is not the rack of a young buck, that hasn’t seen a thing or two. This is the race with several points, indicating lots of life experience.
The other thing that calls out to me about this card today is the light shining out of the kings back. Radiating out of and swirling around him and the lions near him. I see him as lighting the way for those behind or near him.
And, of course, it’s upside down. So what is the twist on this card for us today? I’m sensing that today this card has a dual meaning for us.
Do you remember a little bit back we had the Two of Wands and it was to make us aware that other people are watching us to see how we carry ourselves and our integrity level, in some cases, even to imitate us? Well, one of the things Spirit is using the energy of this card to draw our attention to is related to that. One of the dualities of this card for us today is to point out that we have our own authority, our own strength through life experiences to draw on, and we each have our own light to share with the world. Especially as those living without a lot of light stumble into us, they will be drawn to our light, and learn from us, how to bring their own light out.

The second part of our dual message today is that even as we are shining our light out to the world and mentoring those around us by doing so, either directly or indirectly, it is also time for us to be looking around us for someone who can be our mentor. Someone who can shine the light for us in places that we haven’t shined our light yet. Someone that we can look up to or have for a mentor.
This is about a time of growth for us. Any teacher will say that you learn much more about a subject when you teach it, being a mentor will help us to learn and grow. And following in someone elses footsteps is also about learning. Evaluating if the way your mentor does things is working as well for you as it does for them, making the adjustments that we find necessary, and pressing on.
PS: For those of you who would like a reading with me, when we hit 1000 page-views for this blog, I will be posting a contest on the following days Tarot Card Interpretation so that one of you can win a 30 minute psychic telephone reading with me. We are less than 200 page-views away from that already, and I have been posting here for less than a month, so be sure to share my entries to get us there that much quicker! Then stayed tuned for how to win the contest!
For those of you that don’t want to wait, or don’t want to chance it, you can schedule a reading with me by going to my web-site: for scheduling information.
Peace again,

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 7, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Judgment - XX
The number twenty. Two with a zero behind it. In numerology a number with a zero behind it has the traits of that number, but more extremely than the single digit version of the number. Two is all about balance, push and pull, yin and yang. Twenty is all about balance at an accentuated level. It brings balance into a whole new priority level in our lives.
And the idea of judgment. The card is the artist depiction of the judgment of all souls at the end of the earth. There are at least a couple ideas about judgment in that scenario. Some would have us believe that God is the judge of everyone. Some believe that we each judge ourselves so we know what needs to be adjusted and worked on the next time around. Since the rule about reading the Tarot is that the message comes through in the readers frame of reference as opposed to the frame of reference of the sitter (or the person receiving the reading), so the frame of reference we are going to be using to look at this card through tonight will be the second one, because that’s what I happen to believe, and in this case, I’m the reader.
So, there are two very clear ideas popping out at me about today. This is a day of balance and of judgment towards ourselves. So we are going to be striving to balance the important things in our lives, and we are going to have to make some decisions about what those are today. When I think of the judgment card, I think of analyzing a situation. Weighing it out. Checking out the pros and the cons in a very deliberate way. It’s looking at ourselves and evaluating who we are, what we want, and if what we are doing is in integrity with those two ideas.
Most of us don’t walk around with just one important thing going on in our lives, so today is about balancing all of those, making decisions about priorities so that we don’t get out of balance, and living in integrity as we do this.
Happy decision making all. Remember, you are your own authority.
PS: For those of you who would like a reading with me, when we hit 1000 page-views for this blog, I will be posting a contest on the following days Tarot Card Interpretation so that one of you can win a 30 minute psychic telephone reading with me. We are less than 300 page-views away from that already, and I have been posting here for less than a month, so be sure to share my entries to get us there that much quicker! Then stayed tuned for how to win the contest!
For those of you that don’t want to wait, or don’t want to chance it, you can schedule a reading with me by going to my web-site: for scheduling information.
Peace again,

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 6, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Two of Wands
This card is being used today to make us aware that whatever ways we use our authority, or don’t use our authority, there are those around us who are watching and learning, some of whom are depending on us to use our authority wisely and responsibly.
The woman in this card is ruler over all of the land she can see, and her associate, the lion is over all the beasts in the same territory. This card has a very strong energy of authority, and of authority used thoughtfully and responsibly as the two of them gaze over their kingdom/responsibility. I would suppose they are considering possibly how far they have come, but more than that, what is next for their territory and the inhabitants thereof. How can they strengthen the land and the inhabitants. How long will it take. What is the next step towards getting to that goal? How to go about it?
Each of us has authority. Even if it’s only authority over ourselves. Each of us have people who watch us. Some of us know about those people. Some of us would never dream who was watching how we behave and what we do.
What Sacred Spirit is highlighting to me about this card are the little cats near the lion and the woman. Not only are they watching what the lion and his mistress do, and learning from watching them, but they are also very dependent on the idea of the ones in authority keeping the kingdom running smoothly. Keeping things safe for every one there.
This is a day to take stock of our everyday lives and the authority we operate in there, and then to make ourselves aware, or ask Spirit to help us see, who depends on us to have integrity, and who around us is paying more attention to what we do and how we do it than we realize. We have a big influence. Are we using it the way we would like people to think that we do?
PS: For those of you who would like a reading with me, when we hit 1000 page-views for this blog, I will be posting a contest on the following days Tarot Card Interpretation so that one of you can win a 30 minute psychic telephone reading with me. We are less than 300 page-views away from that already, and I have been posting here for less than a month, so be sure to share my entries to get us there that much quicker! Then stayed tuned for how to win the contest!
For those of you that don’t want to wait, or don’t want to chance it, you can schedule a reading with me by going to my web-site: for scheduling information.
Peace again,

Monday, November 4, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 5, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Death - XIII
Boy was I surprised to see this very same card pop up for us two days in a row! But, if this card is what Sacred Spirit wants to use to convey a message to us, then I guess I’ll ground myself and go in for interpretation number two on this card. *grinning*
Today there are two key elements that I am noticing about the artwork in this card that didn’t pop out to me at all yesterday. They are the woman who is stretching free as the bird is in the throws of death. It’s almost as if she is able now to come out of the birds shadow. Remember letting go of something to make room for something new? The bird is dying, the woman is coming into liberation and fullness of life!
The second thing that popped out to me tonight are the iris flowers, so I decided it was time to do a little research on the meaning of the Iris. (All plants have a meaning you know, they are a secret language of their own, to those who know the code.) What I found was that the Iris stands for some great characteristics, hope, valor, faith and wisdom! Yay!
So what I’m pulling off of this card today is the idea that yesterday we did the hard stuff. Yesterday we let some stuff go that we have held onto and thought we needed for a long time. Today we will see the results of yesterdays work. We are that woman coming to life and stretching out from under the bird. The load of the thing that we were carrying has fallen away and now we can really stretch out and reach for things we couldn’t before, because we were using our energy to hold onto that old thing.
And how does the Iris meaning play into all of this? Because to stretch in such a new and vibrant way takes all of the things that the Iris indicates. Hope. Valor. Faith. Wisdom.
Yesterday I was excited that we are growing. Today I am excited that we have made it to the fun part of that growth. That part full of wonder and excitement!

PS: For those of you who would like a reading with me, when we hit 1000 page-views for this blog, I will be posting a contest on the following days Tarot Card Interpretation so that one of you can win a 30 minute psychic telephone reading with me. We are less than 300 page-views away from that already, and I have been posting here for less than a month, so be sure to share my entries to get us there that much quicker! Then stayed tuned for how to win the contest!
For those of you that don’t want to wait, or don’t want to chance it, you can schedule a reading with me by going to my web-site: for scheduling information.

Peace again,

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 4, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Death - XIII
Sometimes people who see a death card become scared right off the bat. And understandably so. I have heard that surveys show that death is the thing that more humans fear than anything else. But I don’t believe the death card has a bad meaning. And in many cases, if our attitudes are right, there doesn’t have to be any pain or misfortune associated with it.
So, now that I’ve got that out of the way and hopefully none of you have cringed when you saw what card we have for the day, let’s get on with the message here for us.
I see the death card actually as a very good card. And being a Scorpio, it kind of figures that I would. Us Scorpios are all about looking inside and facing our fears, and then letting them go so that we can move forward.
Sacred Spirit is using the energy of this card today to convey to us that it is time for a spiritual shift in each of our own personal lives. It’s time to let something go. So that we can move forward.
Because I’m interested in numerology, although not an expert in it yet, I decided to look up the significance of the number thirteen. I came across this blog entry: that I found very interesting. It says that “Number 13 is the number of upheaval, so that new ground can be broken.”
That really resonates with our message tonight. With everything that has been going on in the stars lately, most of us are going through some kind of uncomfortable stuff in our lives right now. Most of the people that read here are pretty much still holding everything together….but a break sure would be nice anytime soon.
Spirit is using this card to point us to part of the solution. Each of us has something that we need to shift the energy around. The death card usually isn’t literally talking about death, as much as it’s talking about a change where something is lost. Maybe it’s a home, or maybe it’s a friendship, or maybe it’s an old idea that hasn’t been serving us well. Many times, although not always, this loss can be very uncomfortable for us. But the thing is, as uncomfortable as this loss is for us, once we acknowledge those feelings, and let them go as well, we can look around and realize that we are in a better place than we were before the whole mess got started in the first place. If we handle this change gracefully, giving the universe more room to maneuver on our behalf, it doesn’t even have to be uncomfortable. If we can just trust that the universe is moving us towards the next step on our life path, that perspective helps each of us to stay calmer as we go through this shift.
We’re all growing! Yay!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 3, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

Queen of Swords Reversed
The energy of the Queen of Swords is all about honesty, integrity, intelligence, inner strength, purity, intuitiveness, when she’s upright. This is someone who is very in tune with herself, and with nature around her. She knows what she will see when she looks at herself in the mirror. She knows that the image is just as it should be.
But, Sacred Spirit has shown her to us upside down today. Today Spirit is using the energy of this card to call us to get to know ourselves well enough to take off the mask. Many of us try so hard to make other people happy around us, that we forget to take time out for our own happiness as well. Sometimes we do this for so long, that we don’t even realize we are doing it anymore. If we were to see an image of our true selves in the mirror, we might not even recognize it. Many of us have been wearing that mask that wins everybody elses approval but not our own for so long that we have forgotten that it is a mask. But, we are unhappy inside. We don’t know what’s wrong with us. We have everything and do everything that we were always told we needed to have and needed to do to be happy. And yet we aren’t. THAT’S NOT BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU!!!! It’s because you aren’t allowing your true self to come out from behind the mask.
Today is a day to begin to get to know what you like and what you want. It’s time to see the mask for what it is and take it down. You have your place in the universe. There is a reason that you were created exactly the way you were created. You will only know what that reason is if you spend time being your true self. Otherwise, you deny your true destiny.
Today, look for what about you is a mask, and begin to pull that mask down and expose your real self to the world. Live the life you were meant to live. When you do this, other people who see you, will be emboldened to live the lives they were meant to live too. What a great ripple effect to begin!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Tarot Card for the Day, November 2, 2013, (Shadowscapes Tarot Deck)

The Emperor Reversed
I think we had this card not that long ago, and reversed, just like this. That was showing us something different than it is showing today.
This time around Sacred Spirit is using it as a sort of a heads up to us that today it may be really easy to be pulled away from being as grounded as we usually are. Not necessarily that things are bad in our lives today, but more that things will be sort of topsy turvy and moving quickly. We are going to have to be on our toes to keep up with the day.
I don’t know about for you, but for me, that is when I’m most likely to forget my spiritual practice. I believe we have this heads up to make us aware that it’s a good day to make sure we get those in so that we can maintain ourselves better throughout the day. Hopefully also this heads up will help us keep our awareness of ourselves and where we are mentally and emotionally though-out the day, so that we can make the necessary adjustments when needed.
Self-awareness and self-maintenance is the name of the game today.